Search notes:


The built-in function callable(obj) determines if the object obj is callable, that is, if it has an attribute named __call__.
#     Check if a function is callable

func_ref = sorted

if    callable(func_ref):
      print('func_ref is callable'    )
      print('func_ref is not callable')

#  func_ref is callable

#     ------------------------

#     Define a class without a __call__() method:
class CLS:

#     ------------------------

#     Create an instance of this class

obj_ref = CLS()

if    callable(obj_ref):
      print('obj_ref is callable'    )
      print('obj_ref is not callable')
#  obj_ref is not callable

#     ------------------------

#     Add a __call__ attribute to the
#     CLS class:

setattr(CLS, '__call__', 'foo')

if    callable(obj_ref):
      print('obj_ref is callable'    )
      print('obj_ref is not callable')

#     Of course, the string 'foo' is not
#     callable. Therefore, the following
#     call would produce an error message
#     if exuected
#     obj_ref()

#     Therefore, add a «real» function reference
#     so that the class is not only callable
#     but also can be called:
setattr(CLS, '__call__', lambda self, n: n ** 2)

#  49
Github repository about-Python, path: /builtin-functions/callable/

See also

Python: Built in functions
