Search notes:

Perl module pQuery

use warnings;
use strict;

use pQuery;

my $html=<<"END"; # {{{

    <style type="text/css">
      * {font-family: Courier}

    <div> aaa </div>

    <div> <div> bbb </div> </div>

    <p> ccc </p>

    <table summary='Note how the summary will appear in double quotes'>


# }}}

my $p = pQuery($html);

print $p -> find('p'  ) -> html, "\n";
$p -> find('div')->each(sub {
  print 'Each: ' . pQuery($_)->html,"\n";

print $p -> find('div')->eq(2) -> text;

print "style: ", $p -> find('style')->text, "\n";

# Note: with ...->html, the enclosing <table>..</table> elements wouldn't
#       be printed:
print "table: ", $p -> find('table')->toHtml;

Github repository PerlModules, path: /pQuery/
Perl modules.
