Search notes:

Perl modules for geographic calculations

Math::Trig - trigonometry and great circle functions.
GPS::Babel - convert between GPS file formats.
Geo::Formatter - encode/decode lattitude/longitude strings.
Geo::GNIS - parse USGS geographic names data.
Geo::GPX - read/write GPX open GPS data files.
Geo::Horizon - distance to visual horizone.
Geo::IP - estimate lattitude/longitude coordinates for IP addresses.
Geo::Mercator - convert coordinates to flat-projection map.
Geo::Weather - Get weather from weather channel.
Ham::Locator - convert between lattitude/longitude & maidenhead coordinates.
Net::GPSD3 - Interface to a GPSD server on a laptop.
Geo::Google::StaticMap - Google Maps API wrapper
Geo::OSM::Tiles - OpenStreetMap tiles (calculation of the url of an image tile)

See also

Geographic Computation in Perl.
