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Perl module Parse::RecDescent

use strict;
use warnings;

use Parse::RecDescent;

my $grammar = q {
  operation  :  ident operator ident
              {printf "Parsed operation: 1st ident: %s %s %s\n", $item[1], $item[2], $item[3];}

  operator   : '+' | '-' | '*' | '/'
  ident      :  char char_or_num(s?) # s: one or more, s? zero or more
               { $item[1] . join "", @{$item[2]} }

  char_or_num: char | num

  num        :  /\d/

  char       :  /[a-zA-Z]/

my $parser = Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die "Bad grammar!";

defined $parser->operation('Foo + Bar') or print "didn't match\n";
defined $parser->operation('x10 / y15') or print "didn't match\n";
defined $parser->operation('100 /  42') or print "didn't match\n"; # Doesn't match because operator requires ident's, not num's.
defined $parser->operation('a   -  b ') or print "didn't match\n";

print "\nUniversal token prefix pattern: >$Parse::RecDescent::skip<\n";  # \s*
Github repository PerlModules, path: /Parse/RecDescent/
The script prints:
Parsed operation: 1st ident: Foo + Bar
Parsed operation: 1st ident: x10 / y15
didn't match
Parsed operation: 1st ident: a - b

Universal token prefix pattern: >\s*<

Rules and productions

Rules consist of alternatives of productions. In the grammar, they are defined like so:
rule : production_1 | production_2 |
  production_3 | production_4
Productions: zero or more of following items
A rule matches text if any (the first!) of its production matches.
A production matches if its items within match in the order stated.

First production, not longest

Unlike yacc (breadth-first), the first production (depth-first) takes precedence over the longest.
This is the fundamental difference between bottom up and recursive descent parsing.
use warnings;
use strict;

use Parse::RecDescent;

my $grammar_1 = q { #_{

  start    :  seq_1 seq_2

  seq_1    :   'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'         { print "seq_1: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }
           |   'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F' { print "seq_1: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }

  seq_2    : character(s)

  character: /\w/                      { print "character: $item[1]\n" }

#_} };
my $grammar_2 = q { #_{

  start:  seq_1 seq_2

  seq_1    :  'A' 'B' 'C' 'D' 'E' 'F'
               { print "seq_1: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }
            | 'A' 'B' 'C' 'D'
               { print "seq_1: " . join (" ", @item[1..$#item]) . "\n" }

  seq_2    : character(s)

  character: /\w/
               { print "character: $item[1]\n" }

#_} };

print "Parse with first grammar:\n";
print "\nParse with second grammar:\n";

sub parse { #_{
  my $grammar = shift;

  my $parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar);
  $parser->start("A B C D E F G");

} #_}
Github repository PerlModules, path: /Parse/RecDescent/
Parse with first grammar:
seq_1: A B C D
character: E
character: F
character: G

Parse with second grammar:
seq_1: A B C D E F
character: G

@item and %item

$item[0] and $item{__RULE__} is/are the name of the rule.
$item[n] are the values of the nth subitem in the rule.
use warnings;
use strict;

use Parse::RecDescent;

my $grammar = q {

  seq         : one_char three_chars two_chars
              { main::print_item(\@item, \%item); }

  one_char    : character
              { main::print_item(\@item, \%item); }

  three_chars : character character character
              { main::print_item(\@item, \%item); }
  two_chars   : character
              { main::print_item(\@item, \%item); }

  character   : /\w/
              { main::print_item(\@item, \%item);}

my $parser=Parse::RecDescent->new($grammar) or die;

$parser->seq("A B C D E F");

sub print_item {
  no warnings 'once';
  my @item = @{ $_[0] };
  my %item = %{ $_[1] };
  print join " -- ", @item;
  print "\n";
  print map {$_ . "=" . $item{$_} . "; "} keys %item;
  print "\n\n";
  $Parse::RecDescent::return = join "", @item[1..$#item]; # $Parse::RecDescent::return 
Github repository PerlModules, path: /Parse/RecDescent/

Source code

Apparently, the module is hosted on github.

See also

Perl module Marpa::R2
Perl modules
