Search notes:

echo server and client with Perl module IO::Socket

The following two scripts is a simple demonstration of using IO::Socket for a server and a client. just listens on port 2808. When a client connects to that port, the script will return whatever it receives from the client back to the client, with a prepended OK. connects to the server. Whenever the user types something on the console (STDIN), it forwards it to the server and then prints the server's answer.

use warnings; use strict;

use IO::Socket::INET;
use threads;

my $port_listen = 2808;

$| = 1; # Autoflush

my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(

  LocalHost   => '',
  LocalPort   =>  $port_listen,
  Proto       => 'tcp',
  Listen      =>  5,
  Reuse       =>  1

) or die "Cannot create socket";

print "Waiting for tcp connect to connet on port $port_listen (see\n";

while (1) {

    my $client_socket = $socket->accept();

    my $client_address = $client_socket->peerhost;
    my $client_port    = $client_socket->peerport;

    print "$client_address $client_port has connected\n";

    threads -> create(\&connection, $client_socket);


$socket -> close;

sub connection {

  my $client_socket = shift;

  while (1) {

    my $data = <$client_socket>;

    return if $data eq "";

    print $client_socket "Ok $data";
Github repository PerlModules, path: /IO/Socket/

use warnings; use strict;

$| = 1; # Autoflush

use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;

my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                 PeerAddr    => 'localhost',
                 PeerPort    =>  2808,
                 Proto       => 'tcp',
                 Timeout     =>  1
             or die "Could not connect";

my $select = IO::Select->new();

$select -> add (\*STDIN);  # Does not work on Windows! [ ]
$select -> add ($socket);

while (1) {
  while (my @ready = $select -> can_read) {

    foreach my $fh (@ready) {

       if ($fh == $socket) {
          my $buf = <$socket>;
          print $buf;
       else {

         my $buf = <STDIN>;
         print $socket $buf

  print "$!\n";
Github repository PerlModules, path: /IO/Socket/

See also

Perl modules
