Search notes:

JavaScript: comparing undefined to other values

The following simple HTML document contains a bit of JavaScript that compares undefined to a few values and prints if this comparison is true or false.
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

  <script type="text/javascript">

    var out;

    function evalAndPrint(expr) {

      var res = eval(expr);

      expr.replace(/&/g, '&amp;');
      expr.replace(/</g, '&lt;' );
      expr.replace(/g/g, '&gt;' );

      if (res) { out.innerHTML += expr + " is true<br>";  } else
               { out.innerHTML += expr + " is false<br>"; }


    function main() {

      out = document.getElementById('out');

      evalAndPrint('5         ==  undefined'); // false
      evalAndPrint('5         !=  undefined'); // true
      evalAndPrint('5         >   undefined'); // false
      evalAndPrint('undefined >   undefined'); // false
      evalAndPrint('undefined ==  undefined'); // true
      evalAndPrint('undefined === undefined'); // true
      evalAndPrint('NaN       === undefined'); // true



<body onload='main()';>
  <div id='out'>
Github repository about-javascript, path: /objects/Global-Object/value-properties/undefined/compare.html
