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C/C++ Preprocessor: Token paste operator

The token paste operator concatenates two tokens in a macro body into one single token that is not separated by a space. The syntax is token_one ## token_two. The token paste operator is particularly useful in a macro with arguments where the token paste operator concatenates two arguments.

Simple demonstration

The following simple example of the token paste operator aims at demonstrating how it can be used.
First, a simple macro with two arguments is defined: PASTE_TWO_TOKENS. When the macro is used (and expanded), it simply concatenates the two arguments.
If PASTE_TWO_TOKENS is used with two tokens that have previoulsy been #defined, the macro does not substitute the tokens with their defined value. In order to do that, another macro needs to be created: PASTE_TWO_TOKENS_INDIRECT. In the example, this macro simply passes the tokens to PASTE_TWO_TOKENS. However, while they're being forwared to PASTE_TWO_TOKENS, they're also expaned.
PASTE_TWO_TOKENS_INDIRECT is also needed, for example, to expand predefined macros such as __COUNTER__ and concatenate it.
#define PASTE_TWO_TOKENS(token_1, token_2) token_1 ## token_2

PASTE_TWO_TOKENS(Hello, World)                // HelloWorld

#define T1 Hello
#define T2 World

PASTE_TWO_TOKENS(T1, T2)                      // T1T2

#define PASTE_TWO_TOKENS_INDIRECT(token_1, token_2) PASTE_TWO_TOKENS(token_1 , token_2)

PASTE_TWO_TOKENS_INDIRECT( T1 , T2    )       // HelloWorld

PASTE_TWO_TOKENS(Cnt, __COUNTER__)            // Cnt__COUNTER__
Github repository about-preprocessor, path: /macros/token-paste-operator/once-and-twice.c

See also

Concatenate words to single identifiers
