Search notes:


btrfs [global] <group> [<group>...] <command> [<args>]

Global options:

--format <format> if supported, print subcommand output in that format (text, json)
-v|--verbose increase verbosity of the subcommand
-q|--quiet print only errors
--log <level> set log level (default, info, verbose, debug, quiet)

Command groups

balance balance data across devices, or change block groups using filters
device manage and query devices in the filesystem
filesystem overall filesystem tasks and information
inspect-internal query various internal information
property modify properties of filesystem objects
qgroup manage quota groups
quota manage filesystem quota settings
replace replace a device in the filesystem
rescue toolbox for specific rescue operations
scrub verify checksums of data and metadata
subvolume manage subvolumes: create, delete, list, etc


check Check structural integrity of a filesystem (unmounted).
receive Receive subvolumes from a stream
restore Try to restore files from a damaged filesystem (unmounted)
send Send the subvolume(s) to stdout.
help Display help information
version Display btrfs-progs version

See also

The man pages for command groups are btrfs-<group> (for example man btrfs-subvolume)
