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Creating VS Code extensions

Using Yeoman and the VS Code Extension Generator

Yeoman (yo) along with the VS Code Extension Generator (which is the npm package generator-code) creates a basic VS Code extension which can then be used to extend with the desired functionality.
First, Yeoman and the VS Code Extension Generator needs to be installed:
npm install -g yo generator-code
yo can then invoked like so:
yo code:app [<destination>] [options]
<destination> is the folder where the extension is created in.
Options are
-h --help Print the generator's options and usage
--skip-cache Do not remember prompt answers (Default is false)
--skip-install Do not automatically install dependencies (Default is false)
--force-install Fail on install dependencies error (Default is false)
--ask-answered Show prompts for already configured options (Default is false)
-i --insiders Show the insiders options for the generator
-q --quick Quick mode, skip all optional prompts and use defaults
-o --open Open the generated extension in Visual Studio Code
-O --openInInsiders Open the generated extension in Visual Studio Code Insiders
-t --extensionType ts, js, colortheme, language, snippets, keymap …
-n --extensionDisplayName Display name of the extension
--extensionId Id of the extension
--extensionDescription Description of the extension
--pkgManager npm, yarn or pnpm.
--webpack Bundle the extension with webpack
--gitInit Initialize a git repo
--snippetFolder Snippet folder location
--snippetLanguage Snippet language

-t / --extensionType

The following extension types are possible:
js JavaScript extension
ts TypeScript extension
notebook A notebook renderer
localization A language pack
