Search notes:

Running the same SQL script on different DBs

At times, I find myself in need to run the same SQL script in different database products. Because these databases have dfferent SQL dialects, there needs to be some kind of if db = mysql then … else … end logic in the scripts.
For example, MySQL starts a transaction with begin work while SQLite starts it with begin transaction.
Solving such a requirement is easily possible if there is a preprocessor and the scripts can be run from the command line.
This is demonstrated with the following relevant portion of the SQL script:
#ifdef MYSQL
  begin work;
#elif defined SQLITE
  begin transaction;
Now, to execute the script in MySQL, the preprocessor needs to be started with the -E flag (so that neither the compiler nor the linker will be invoked) and the -P flag (so that the command line markers are excluded from the output).
Additionally, the -D flag is used to specify the database environment.
With all that said, the script is executed for MySQL like so
$ gcc -E -P -DMYSQL  | mysql -u rene
And similarly for SQLite with
$ gcc -E -P -DSQLITE | sqlite db
