Search notes:

SQLite: primary key constraint

Creating primary keys

A (single column) primary key constraint can be added to an SQLite table in the create table statement in the column definition as shown below:
create table tq84_pk (
  col_1 text primary key,
  col_2 text

insert into tq84_pk values ('foo', 'bar');
insert into tq84_pk values ('baz',  null);


drop table tq84_pk;
Github repository about-sqlite, path: /tables/constraints/primary-key/column-definition.sql
Alternatively, A single-column or multi-column primary key can be created with the constraint clause of the create table statement
create table tq84_table (
  num  integer,
  lang text   ,
  word text   ,
  constraint tq84_table_pk primary key (num, lang)

insert into tq84_table values(1, 'en', 'one' );
insert into tq84_table values(1, 'de', 'eins');
insert into tq84_table values(2, 'en', 'two' );
insert into tq84_table values(2, 'fr', 'deux');
Github repository about-sqlite, path: /tables/constraints/primary-key/table-constraint.sql

NULL values

It is a confirmed bug that SQLite allows primary key values to be null if the primary key column's datatype is not an integer and the table is a without rowid table:
create table T (
  p  text primary key,
  v  text

insert into T values ('one'  , 'first' );
insert into T values ('two'  , 'second');
insert into T values ('three', 'third' );
insert into T values ( null  , 'null'  );

.mode  column
.width 5 10

select * from T;
-- one    first
-- two    second
-- three  third
--        null
Github repository about-sqlite, path: /tables/constraints/primary-key/null-values.sql
This behaviour is supported because of historical reasons, see Quirks, Caveats, and Gotchas In SQLite.

Autoincrementing the primary key

The value of an integer primary key is auto incremented if the insert statement does not explicitly specify a value different from null.
The keyword autoincrement is therefore optional for primary key columns.
create table tq84_pk_autoincr (
  id     integer primary key, -- autoincrement,

-- Explicitely setting the value of the primary key
-- to null causes the primary key (that is: the rowid)
-- to be auto-incremented.
insert into tq84_pk_autoincr values(null, 'foo', 'bar');
insert into tq84_pk_autoincr values(null, 'baz', 'qux');

-- Same thing if the primary key column is ommited in
-- the insert statement.
insert into tq84_pk_autoincr(val_1, val_2) values ('one'  , 'two' );
insert into tq84_pk_autoincr(val_1, val_2) values ('three', 'four');

-- If the primary key is set to a value, it resets the
-- auto increment value:
insert into tq84_pk_autoincr values (  41, 'hello' , 'world');
insert into tq84_pk_autoincr values (null, 'twenty', 'two');

.header on
.mode   column
.width 2 7 7
select * from tq84_pk_autoincr;
-- id  val_1    val_2  
-- --  -------  -------
-- 1   foo      bar    
-- 2   baz      qux    
-- 3   one      two    
-- 4   three    four   
-- 41  hello    world  
-- 42  twenty   two    
Github repository about-sqlite, path: /tables/constraints/primary-key/autoincrement/demo.sql
If a primary key is an integer, the last inserted primary key value can be selected with the last_insert_rowid() function.
See also the internal table sqlite_sequence.


create table tab_on_conflict_abort    (id int primary key unique on conflict abort   , txt text);
create table tab_on_conflict_fail     (id int primary key unique on conflict fail    , txt text);
create table tab_on_conflict_ignore   (id int primary key unique on conflict ignore  , txt text);
create table tab_on_conflict_replace  (id int primary key unique on conflict replace , txt text);
create table tab_on_conflict_rollback (id int primary key unique on conflict rollback, txt text);

create table tab_stage (id int, txt text);

begin transaction;

insert into tab_stage values (5, 'five'        );
insert into tab_stage values (9, 'nine'        );
insert into tab_stage values (6, 'six'         );
insert into tab_stage values (4, 'four'        );
insert into tab_stage values (7, 'seven'       );
insert into tab_stage values (2, 'two'         );
insert into tab_stage values (6, 'SIX'         ) /* uh oh */;
insert into tab_stage values (1, 'one'         );
insert into tab_stage values (3, 'three'       );

begin transaction;

insert into tab_stage values (42, 'fourty-two' );
insert into tab_stage values (99, 'ninety-nine');

.print on conflict abort
.print -----------------
insert   into tab_on_conflict_abort     select * from tab_stage;
--       This insert statement signals an error. Because of the
--       on conflict abort clause in the primary key, no data
--       is loaded into the table at all.
select * from tab_on_conflict_abort;

.print on conflict fail
.print ----------------
insert   into tab_on_conflict_fail      select * from tab_stage;
--       This insert statement also signals an error. Because of 
--       the on conflict fail clause, the data is loaded up to (but
--       excluding) the record that caused the failure.
select * from tab_on_conflict_fail;
--  5|five
--  9|nine
--  6|six
--  4|four
--  7|seven
--  2|two

.print on conflict ignore
.print ------------------
insert   into tab_on_conflict_ignore    select * from tab_stage;
--       Just ignore records that would cause errors. So the
--       first record with id=6 is loaded, the second one is discared:
select * from tab_on_conflict_ignore;
-- 5|five
-- 9|nine
-- 6|six
-- 4|four
-- 7|seven
-- 2|two
-- 1|one
-- 3|three
-- 42|fourty-two
-- 99|ninety-nine

.print on conflict replace
.print -------------------
insert   into tab_on_conflict_replace   select * from tab_stage;
--       The on conflict replace clause also does not signal
--       any error. Unlike »on conflict ignore«, it overwrites
--       records with the new value, so id=6 will have txt=SIX.
select * from tab_on_conflict_replace;
-- 5|five
-- 9|nine
-- 4|four
-- 7|seven
-- 2|two
-- 6|SIX
-- 1|one
-- 3|three
-- 42|fourty-two
-- 99|ninety-nine

insert   into tab_on_conflict_rollback  select * from tab_stage;
--       The  on conflict rollback clause signales an error AND
--       rolls back the current transaction if a duplicate
--       key is to be inserted. Hence, the inserted table will
--       remain empty.
select * from tab_on_conflict_rollback;

--       Since on conflict rollback caused a rollback,
--       the transaction was rolled back to the last commit.
--       So the records with id=42 and id=99 are not in
--       tab_stage anymore:
select * from tab_stage;
Github repository about-sqlite, path: /constraints/primary-key/on-conflict-clauses.sql

rowid / interger primary keys

A primary key whose datatype is an integer becomes the table's rowid.

Adding primary keys to an existing table

After a table is created, it's not possible anymore to add a primary key with an alter table statement.

See also

The column pk in the pragma table_info statement.
upsert clause of an insert statement.
General notes about primary keys in SQL
