Search notes:

Compile SQLite

Windows / Visual Studio

Apparently, tclsh.exe is needed. It can be downloaded from
After downloading it, tar.exe (pre-installed with Windows Version 10) can be used to extract tclsh.exe and tcl85.dll:
rem tar -xf tcltk85-8.5.19-14.tcl85.Win10.x86_64.tgz  *tclsh.exe  *tcl85.dll
rem move  tcltk85-8.5.19-14.tcl85.Win10.x86_64\bin\* %userprofile%\bin
tar -xf tcltk85-8.5.19-14.tcl85.Win10.x86_64.tgz
set PATH=%cd%\tcltk85-8.5.19-14.tcl85.Win10.x86_64\bin;%path%
Possibly, an init.tcl file should now be created under the user's home directory.
In order to prevent Error: NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make '..\manifest':
fsutil file createNew manifest
fsutil file createNew manifest.uuid
mkdir bld
cd    bld

rem nmake /f ..\Makefile.msc TOP=..
nmake /f ..\Makefile.msc TOP=.. sqlite3.c
nmake /f ..\Makefile.msc TOP=.. sqlite3.dll
nmake /f ..\Makefile.msc TOP=.. sqlite3.exe
nmake /f ..\Makefile.msc TOP=.. test
TODO: test creates lots of fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tcl.h': No such file or directory.
