Search notes:

Formatting SQL statements with PowerShell and the online API

The following PowerShell function uses the online SQL formatting API to format the text of SQL statements
It can be invoked with either the name of a file that contains the SQL text or a string with the SQL text:
PS C:\> format-sqlText "select 42 as num, 'hello World' as txt, sysdate as now from dual"
select 42 as num,
       'hello World' as txt,
       sysdate as now
from dual

PS C:\> format-sqlText P:\ath\to\sql\file.sql
Some optional parameters (which correspond to that of the online service) allow to modify the behavior of the function:
-indentWidth An integer that specifies the number of characters with which the indentations are made
-identCase Controls if identifers are transformed to uppercase, lowercase or if the are capitalized (upper, lower or capitalize)
-noReindent A flag that can be set to prevent the SQL text from re-indented
-stripComment A flag that can be set to remove comments.
A few examples:
PS C:\> format-sql -indentWidth 1                       $sqlFile 
PS C:\> format-sql -indentWidth 8 -stripComments        $sqlFile 
PS C:\> format-sql -noReindent                          $sqlFile 
PS C:\> format-sql -indentWidth 3 -identCase capitalize $sqlFile 
PS C:\> format-sql -noReindent    -stripComments        $sqlFile 

Source code

function format-sqlText {

   param (
      [string ] $sqlTextOrFilename,
      [int    ] $indentWidth=$null,
      [validateSet('upper', 'lower', 'capitalize')]
      [string ] $identCase        ,
      [switch ] $noReindent       ,

      [switch ] $stripComments
   set-strictMode -version 3
   if (test-path $sqlTextOrFilename) {
      $sqlText = get-content -raw $sqlTextOrFilename
   else {
      $sqlText = $sqlTextOrFilename
   $body = @{ sql = $sqlText }
   if ($psBoundParameters.containsKey('indentWidth')) {
      write-verbose "parameter indentWidth was used"
      $body.indent_width = $indentWidth
   else {
      write-verbose "parameter indentWidth was not used"
      if (-not $noReindent) {
         write-verbose "switch noReindent was not used"
         $body.indent_width = 4
   if ($stripComments) {
      write-verbose "switch stripComments is on"
      $body.strip_comments = 1

   if ($identCase) {
      write-verbose "identCase was specified"
      $body.identifier_case = $identCase
   $response = invoke-restMethod  `
      -uri         '' `
      -method      'POST'                                `
      -body         $body                                `
      -contentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' 

See also

