Search notes:

Oracle: SQL Loader example: explicitly declare a column's width in the control file in order to prevent the *Field in data file exceeds maximum length* error message

This example explicity declares a column's width in the control file in order to prevent the Field in data file exceeds maximum length error message.

Create table statement

create table tq84_sql_loader_6 (
   id    number not null,
   tx    varchar2(4000)

create table tq84_sql_loader_6_ok (
   id    number not null,
   tx    varchar2(4000)
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQLLoader/ex_06/create_table.sql

Control file without explicit declaration of field with

This control file will produce an error message
load data
into table tq84_sql_loader_6
fields terminated by "|"
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQLLoader/ex_06/load_6.ctl

»Correct« control file

This control file declares the width of a column and thus prevents the error message.
load data
into table tq84_sql_loader_6_ok
fields terminated by "|"
  tx char(4000)
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQLLoader/ex_06/load_6_ok.ctl

The data file

1|This line should be fine
2|This line contains more than 255 characters and will cause an "Field in data file exceeds maximum length" error message. Of course, I need some more text here in order to reach this 255 character limit. For example, by adding some city names: New York, Los Angeles, Berlin, Berne, Lucerne, Winterthur, Basle, Paris, Tokyo, Cape Town etc.
3|This line should be fine, too
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQLLoader/ex_06/load_6.dat

Running it all

start create_table

host  sqlldr control=load_6.ctl    data=load_6.dat userid=rene
host  sqlldr control=load_6_ok.ctl data=load_6.dat userid=rene

select id, substrb(tx,1, 50) from tq84_sql_loader_6;

prompt  Note: Second record not loaded

drop table tq84_sql_loader_6    purge;

select id, substrb(tx,1, 50) from tq84_sql_loader_6_ok;
prompt  Note: Second record was loaded

drop table tq84_sql_loader_6_ok purge;
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /SQLLoader/ex_06/all.sql

See also

Other SQL Loader examples
