Search notes:

Oracle: Tables with PERIOD DEFINITIONS

A period definition clause in a table definition adds temporal validity to that table.
This clause requires two date or timestamp columns to specify each row's period during which the row is considered valid.
If these columns are not named during the creation of the period definition, Oracle will supply these columns and name then valid_time_col_START and valid_time_col_END and make them invisible.
create table tq84_period (
  id        number primary  key,
  txt       varchar2(30),
  valid_b   timestamp invisible,
  valid_e   timestamp invisible,
  period for valid_ (valid_b, valid_e) 

insert into tq84_period(id, txt, valid_b, valid_e) values (1, 'not valid anymore'  , sysdate - 10, sysdate - 5);
insert into tq84_period(id, txt, valid_b, valid_e) values (2, 'valid'              , sysdate -  3, sysdate + 3);
insert into tq84_period(id, txt, valid_b, valid_e) values (3, 'valid in the future', sysdate +  2, sysdate + 6);

select * from tq84_period as of period for valid_ systimestamp;
--         ID TXT
-- ---------- ------------------------------
--          2 valid

select * from tq84_period as of period for valid_ systimestamp - 6;
--         ID TXT
-- ---------- ------------------------------
--          1 not valid anymore

select * from tq84_period as of period for valid_ systimestamp + 4;
--         ID TXT
-- ---------- ------------------------------
--          3 valid in the future

drop table tq84_period purge;
Github repository Oracle-Patterns, path: /DatabaseObjects/Tables/period-definition/example-01.sql

See also

The table SYS.SYS_FBA_PERIODS (created in c1102000.sql) stores period definitions.
