Search notes:

Oracle: Simple way to determine the structural difference between two tables

The following example demonstrates how the structure (i.e. column names and their data types) of two tables can be compared.
(An example that compares the data of two tables is here).

Create two tables

Two tables are created to test the SQL statement below that find structural differences in them:
drop   table y;
drop   table x;

create table x (a number, b number(2), c number(2,3), d varchar2(4)               , f date     null, g varchar2(20), h number(6,2));
create table y (a number,              c number(2,3), d date       , e varchar2(5), f date not null, g varchar2(20), h number(7,2));
Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /DatabaseObjects/Tables/columns/diff-structure/create-tables.sql

Select the difference between their structures

The following statement finds column that are either missing in one of the two tables being compared or have different data types or characteristics.
Because the statement uses a full outer join, the compared columns appear on one record in the result set:
with a as (select * from dba_tab_columns where owner = user and table_name = 'X'),
     b as (select * from dba_tab_columns where owner = user and table_name = 'Y')
     coalesce(a.column_name, b.column_name)                 col_name,
     a.column_id        column_id_a     , b.column_id       column_id_b,
  -- Columns with column information (data types, sizes etc.):
     a.data_type        data_type_a     , b.data_type       data_type_b     ,
     a.data_length      data_length_a   , b.data_length     data_length_b   ,
     a.data_scale       data_scale_a    , b.data_scale      data_scale_b    ,
     a.data_precision   data_precision_a, b.data_precision  data_precision_b,
     a.nullable         nullable_a      , b.nullable        nullable_b      ,
  -- Columns with information not related to table structure:
     a.last_analyzed    last_analyzed_a , b.last_analyzed   last_analyzed_b ,
     a.sample_size      sample_size_a   , b.sample_size     sample_size_b   ,
     a.num_distinct     num_distinct_a  , b.num_distinct    num_distinct_b  ,
     a.low_value        low_value_a     , b.low_value       low_value_b
     a                                                full outer join
     b on a.column_name = b.column_name
  not (nvl(a.data_type      , 'x') = nvl(b.data_type     , 'x')  and
       nvl(a.data_length    , -1 ) = nvl(b.data_length   , -1 )  and
       nvl(a.data_scale     , -1 ) = nvl(b.data_scale    , -1 )  and
       nvl(a.data_precision , -1 ) = nvl(b.data_precision, -1 )  and
       nvl(a.nullable       , 'x') = nvl(b.nullable      , 'x')
order by
    coalesce (a.column_id, b.column_id);
Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /DatabaseObjects/Tables/columns/diff-structure/diff.sql

See also

Compare the data of two tables
