Search notes:


   ownname          VARCHAR2, 
   tabname          VARCHAR2, 
   partname         VARCHAR2            DEFAULT  NULL,
   estimate_percent NUMBER              DEFAULT  to_estimate_percent_type (get_param('ESTIMATE_PERCENT')),
   block_sample     BOOLEAN             DEFAULT  FALSE,
   method_opt       VARCHAR2            DEFAULT  get_param('METHOD_OPT'),
   degree           NUMBER              DEFAULT  to_degree_type(get_param('DEGREE')),                 -- Degree of parallelism used to gather table stats.
   granularity      VARCHAR2            DEFAULT  GET_PARAM('GRANULARITY'),                            -- Only for partitioned objects: 
                                                                                                      -- ALL, APPROX_GLOBAL AND PARTITION, AUTO, DEFAULT
                                                                                                      -- GLOBAL, GLOBAL AND PARTITION, PARTITION or SUBPARTITION
   cascade          BOOLEAN             DEFAULT  to_cascade_type(get_param('CASCADE')),               -- Should statistics also be collected for a table's indexes.
   stattab          VARCHAR2            DEFAULT  NULL, 
   statid           VARCHAR2            DEFAULT  NULL,
   statown          VARCHAR2            DEFAULT  NULL,
   no_invalidate    BOOLEAN             DEFAULT  to_no_invalidate_type ( get_param('NO_INVALIDATE')),
   stattype         VARCHAR2            DEFAULT 'DATA',
   force            BOOLEAN             DEFAULT  FALSE,
   context          DBMS_STATS.CCONTEXT DEFAULT  NULL, -- non operative
   options          VARCHAR2            DEFAULT  get_param('OPTIONS')
   dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (
       ownname          =>  user,
       tabname          => '...',
   --  partname         =>  ...
       estimate_percent =>  100,
       method_opt       => 'for all columns size auto',
       cascade          =>  true

Commit or no commit

Oracle's documentation of dbms_stats (as of 21c) says
Most procedures in this package commit the current transaction, perform the operation, and then commit again.
(By default?), gathering stats on a global temporary table (that is not owned by SYS) does not commit the current transaction, on (all?) other types of tables, it does.
More investigations on this behavior was done by Franck Pachot.

See also

Parameter method_opt
