Search notes:

Oracle: Interesting SQL statistics of V$STATNAME

Some interesting statistics that are found in v$statname, IMHO, include
db block gets Get a data block in current mode, that is the most recent version of it. Typically used in DML statements.
consistent gets Get a data block that is consistent with a SCN (aka referred to as point in time or read consistent mode). Typically used in queries (select statements) to guarantee data consistence. A consistent get may or may not involve reconstruction of a data block.
session logical reads Sum of db block gets plus consistent gets
consistent changes Number of times rollback was applied to create a consistent read
physical reads Number of blocks that were read from disk because they were not cachaed in the buffer cache. This value is physical reads direct plus the reads into the buffer cache. Compare with value logical read bytes from cache.
rows processed
recursive calls Records operations that are made by Oracle «behind the scenes» that are necessary to execute a query
sorts (memory)
sorts (disk) Sort operations that required at least one disk write
sorts (rows)
redo size Amount of redo data in bytes
SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
bytes received via SQL*Net from client

Select values in one record

Select those values in one record
   max (case when = 'db block gets'                          then value end) db_block_gets,
   max (case when = 'consistent gets'                        then value end) consistent_gets,
   max (case when = 'session logical reads'                  then value end) session_logical_reads, -- = db_block_gets + consistent_gets
   max (case when = 'consistent changes'                     then value end) consistent_changes,
   max (case when = 'physical reads'                         then value end) physical_reads,
   max (case when = 'rows processed'                         then value end) rows_processed,
   max (case when = 'sorts (memory)'                         then value end) sorts_memory,
   max (case when = 'sorts (disk)'                           then value end) rows_disk,
   max (case when = 'sorts (rows)'                           then value end) sorts_rows,
   max (case when = 'redo size'                              then value end) redo_size,
   max (case when = 'SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client'      then value end) net_roundtrips_to_from_client,
   max (case when = 'bytes sent via SQL*Net to client'       then value end) bytes_sent_via_net_to_client,
   max (case when = 'bytes received via SQL*Net from client' then value end) bytes_rcvd_via_net_from_client
   v$sesstat  sest                                         join
   v$statname stat on sest.statistic# = stat.statistic#
   sest.sid = sys_context('userenv', 'sid')

Summing up values

Some statistical values combine (sum up) values of other statistics.
For example
This is demonstrated with the following query where the value of the returned session_logical_read should be the same as db_block_plus_consistent_gets and phys_reads should be the same as phys_read_cache_plus_direct:
   sum(case when name in ('session logical reads'     ) then value end ) session_logical_read,
   sum(case when name in ('db block gets',
                          'consistent gets'           ) then value end ) db_block_plus_consistent_gets,
   sum(case when name in ('physical reads'            ) then value end ) phys_reads,           
   sum(case when name in ('physical reads cache',      
                          'physical reads direct'     ) then value end ) phys_read_cache_plus_direct
from (
      sum(sst.value) value
      v$sesstat  sst  join
      v$statname nam on sst.statistic# = nam.statistic#
   group by
