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v$statistics_level displays status-information about the statistics and advisories that are controlled by the init parameter statistics_level.
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Github repository oracle-patterns, path: /Installed/dynamic-performance-views/statistics_level/show.sql
Active Session History Monitors active session activity using MMNL V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
Adaptive Thresholds Enabled Controls if Adaptive Thresholds should be enabled
Automated Maintenance Tasks Controls if Automated Maintenance should be enabled
Automatic DBOP Monitoring Controls if automatic DBOP Monitoring should be enabled V$SQL_MONITOR
Bind Data Capture Enables capture of bind values used by SQL statements V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE
Buffer Cache Advice Predicts the impact of different cache sizes on number of physical reads V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE
Column Tracking Level Sets Up Column Tracking Level
Global Cache Statistics RAC Buffer Cache statistics
Longops Statistics Enables Longops Statistics V$SESSION_LONGOPS
Modification Monitoring Enables modification monitoring
MTTR Advice Predicts the impact of different MTTR settings on number of physical I/Os V$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE
OLAP row load time precision Sets precision of olap row load time statistics
PGA Advice Predicts the impact of different values of pga_aggregate_target on the performance of memory intensive SQL operators V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE
Plan Execution Sampling Enables plan lines sampling V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY
Plan Execution Statistics Enables collection of plan execution statistics V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS
Segment Level Statistics Enables gathering of segment access statistics V$SEGSTAT
Shared Pool Advice Predicts the impact of different values of shared_pool_size on elapsed parse time saved V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE
SQL Monitoring Controls if SQL Monitoring should be enabled V$SQL_MONITORING (sic!)
Streams Pool Advice Predicts impact on Streams perfomance of different Streams pool sizes V$STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE
Threshold-based Alerts Controls if Threshold-based Alerts should be enabled
Time Model Events Enables Statics collection for time events V$SESS_TIME_MODEL
Timed OS Statistics Enables gathering of timed operating system statistics
Timed Statistics Enables gathering of timed statistics
Ultrafast Latch Statistics Maintains statistics for ultrafast latches in the fast path
Undo Advisor, Alerts and Fast Ramp up Transaction layer manageability features V$UNDOSTAT
V$IOSTAT_* statistics Controls if I/O stats in v$iostat_ should be enabled

See also

Oracle Dynamic Performance Views
