Search notes:

ORA-00972: identifier is too long

The maximum length for identifiers (column names etc.) is 128. Exceeding this limit results in the error message ORA-00972: identifier is too long.
   dummy this_identifier_has_148_characters_which_is_more_than_the_maximum_of_128_and_will_therefore_throw_the_error_message_ORA_00972_identifier_is_too_long

Tablespace names

The limit for tablespace names is 30 characters (23c):
create tablespace an_identifier_with_32_characters
   datafile '&db_files_path/tq84_sf_perm_ext_mgmt_local_def_seg_mgmt_auto.dbf'
   extent        management local
   segment space management auto;
-- ORA-00972: The identifier AN_IDENTIF...2_CHARACTE... exceeds the maximum length of 30 bytes.

See also

Other Oracle error messages such as ORA-01740: missing double quote in identifier
