Search notes:

Schema evolution: Initial state

define db=&1

connect sys/&pwSysProd@&db as sysdba

create user &schema
   identified by &schema
   quota unlimited on users;

   create procedure,
   create session,
   create sequence,
   create table,
   create view

connect &schema/&schema@&db

create table customer (
   id          number,
   lastname    varchar2(30),
   firstname   varchar2(30),
   constraint customer_pk primary key (id)

create sequence customer_id_seq;

comment on table customer is 'Table customer contains sensitive personal data! Do not copy data to DEV environment!';

create table account (
    id                number,
    customer_id       number not null,
    account_typ       varchar2(50),         -- Should the column be renamed to account_type?
    balance           decimal(15, 2),
    constraint account_pk primary key(id),
    constraint account_fk foreign key(customer_id) references customer(id)

create sequence account_id_seq;

create index account_ix on account(customer_id);

create table transaction_history (
    id               number,
    account_id       number not null,
    transaction_date date,
    transaction_type varchar2(50),
    amount           decimal(15, 2),
    constraint transaction_history_pk primary key (id),
    constraint transaction_history_fk foreign key (account_id) references account(id)
create sequence transaction_history_id_seq;

create view account_v as
   customer      cust                                left join
   account       acct on = acct.customer_id
Github repository Oracle-demo-database-schema-changes, path: /schema-evolution/initial/objects.sql

Productive data

connect &schema/&schema@&dbProd


   procedure ins_trx_hist(dt date, tp varchar2, amt decimal) is begin
      insert into transaction_history (id, account_id, transaction_date, transaction_type, amount) values (transaction_history_id_seq.nextval, account_id_seq.currval, dt, tp, amt);
   end ins_trx_hist;

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Brown'    , 'Mary'      );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Checking', 1500.00);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2023-12-31', 'interest'  ,   3.18);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-01-31', 'deposit'   , 100   );
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-01-31', 'auto-pay'  , 150   );
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-02-19', 'withdrawal', 100   );
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-02-22', 'transfer'  , 100   );
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-02-28', 'payment'   , 100   );
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-02-29', 'auto-pay'  , 150   );
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-03-31', 'charge'    ,   2.19);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-03-31', 'auto-pay'  , 150   );
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-04-02', 'refund'    ,   5.00);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-04-04', 'check'     ,  22.22);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-04-30', 'auto-pay'  , 150   );

   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Savings' , 3000.00);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Smith'    , 'William'   );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Checking', 2500.50);
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Savings' , 6543.21);
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'IRA'     ,12345.67);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Rodriguez', 'James'     );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Checking', 1200.00);
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Savings' , 500.00);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Johnson'  , 'Linda'     );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Checking', 750.25);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Garcia'   , 'Patricia'  );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Savings' , 8290.00);
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'IRA'     ,15817.87);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Garcia'   , 'John'      );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Checking' , 1500.00);
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Brokerage',27859.90);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Williams' , 'Elizabeth' );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Savings' , 3123.18);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Smith'    , 'Patricia'  );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Savings' , 2991.80);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Johnson'  , 'Jennifer'  );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'CD' ,  819.37);

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Williams' , 'Robert'    );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'MMA' , 2222.22);

Github repository Oracle-demo-database-schema-changes, path: /schema-evolution/initial/data/prod.sql

Development data

connect &schema/&schema@&dbDev


   procedure ins_trx_hist(dt date, tp varchar2, amt decimal) is begin
      insert into transaction_history (id, account_id, transaction_date, transaction_type, amount) values (transaction_history_id_seq.nextval, account_id_seq.currval, dt, tp, amt);
   end ins_trx_hist;
   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Mouse', 'Mickey');

   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Checking', 1200.00);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2023-12-31', 'interest'  ,   3.18);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-01-31', 'deposit'   , 100   );

   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'Savings' , 500.00);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2023-12-31', 'interest'  ,   2.97);
   ins_trx_hist(date '2024-01-31', 'deposit'   ,  80   );

   insert into customer(id, lastname, firstname) values (customer_id_seq.nextval,'Jerry', 'Tom'   );
   insert into account (id, customer_id, account_typ, balance) values (account_id_seq.nextval, customer_id_seq.currval, 'IRA'     ,15817.87);

Github repository Oracle-demo-database-schema-changes, path: /schema-evolution/initial/data/dev.sql

Cleaning up

