Search notes:

Oracle: Latch

The purpose of a latch is to protect shared resources that are needed, accessed and modified by multiple sessions and/or processes from corruption which might occur if one session/process writes to a memory structure while another session/process reads it and thus obtains incosistent (garbage) data.
Such corruption can be prevented by allowing at most one process to «possess» a latch.
When a process wants to read or write a shared resource, it first tries to aquire the associated latch. If another process already has that latch, the process has to wait until the latch becomes available.
Latches don't have a queue: an available latch is assigned to the first process that tries to acquire it, irrespective how many times that process already tried to acquire this latch.
This behavior is different from enqueue latches (such as row latches) which do have such a queue.
Statistics about latches (such as number of tried acquisitions, time held etc.) are recorded in v$latch, v$latch_children and v$latch_parent.

List of latches

The following statement returns a list of available latches. The second column tells if the latch is also a child latch.
   case when exists (
      select 1 from v$latch_children c
         c.latch# = l.latch#
   ) then 'X' end chld
   v$latch l
order by
ADG active session counter latch
AQ Background: interrupt command latch
AQ Coord jobx_kwsbgsgn latch
AQ Message drive state object latch
AQ OPT Background Master Latch
AQ Propagation Scheduling Proc Table
AQ Propagation Scheduling System Load
AQ Sharded master pool latch
AQ Sharded subscriber statistics latch
AQ Slave freSlvL_kwsbgsgn latch
AQ deq hash table latch
AQ deq log cmt cbk chunk latch
AQ deq log statistics latch
AQ dequeue txn counter latch
AQ disk delete txn counter latch
AQ ht cmt cbk chunk latch
AQ process state object latch
AQ small txn context latch
AQ spare variable
AQ: IPC master latch
AQ: IPC msg seq no latch
ASM Clusterware clients latch
ASM DiskGroup access Mode latch
ASM Keyed state latch
ASM Scrubbing background process latch
ASM Volume SGA latch
ASM Volume extent lock list
ASM Volume process latch
ASM allocation
ASM attribute latch
ASM connection state latch
ASM db client latch
ASM file allocation latch
ASM file locked extent latch
ASM map headers
ASM map load waiting list
ASM map operation freelist
ASM map operation hash table
ASM network SGA latch
ASM network background latch
ASM network group sga latch
ASM network state latch
ASM rcl group latch
ASM remote client latch
ASM rollback operations
ASM scan context latch
ASM staleness latch
ASM to smr
ASM user latch
AW SGA latch
AWR Alerted Metric Element list
Accel KGA glob updates
Accel glob updates
Active DBOP List latch
Autotask management
BA container sga ctx latch
BA statistics
Backup Appliance communications latch
Backup Appliance health check latch
Backup Appliance state change latch
Block new check invariant rollback SCN latch
Bloom Filter SGA latch
Bloom filter list latch
CDB Service Hash Table Latch
Change Notification Hash table latch
Change Notification Latch
Column stats entry latch
Consistent RBA
Cross process SGAlat
DBOP Monitoring latch
DML lock allocation
DMON Network Error List Latch
DMON Work Queues Latch
Dedup Write Append Table Latch
Deferred Allocation Latch
Dependency Info
Drain structure latch
Emon Post latch
Event Group Locks
FAL Queue
FC keep messages queue
FIB s.o chain latch
FOB consolidated s.o list latch
FOB s.o list latch
Fast-Start Failover State Latch
File IO Stats segmented array latch
File State Object Pool Parent Latch
Flashback coordinator context latch
GCS logfile block
GCS logfile write queue
GDID metadata structure latch
GES quarantineQ latch
Global dict space allocation latch
Hang Manager wait event statistics
I/O Staticstics latch
ILM Stats Stripe Latch
ILM Stats main anchor latch
ILM access tracking extent
ILM activity tracking latch
IM Global dictionary latch
IM Global dictionary queue latch
IM Global dictionary rw latch
IM area sb latch
IM area scb latch
IM emb latch
IM seg hdr latch
IMFS defer write force
IMFS defer write list
IMXT hash table latch
IPC other latch
IPC stats buffer allocation latch
In memory undo latch
In-Memory Background task hash table latch
In-Memory auxiliary task latch
JOX JIT code cache latch
JOX JIT latch
JOX SGA heap latch
JS Sh mem access
JS broadcast LW Job latch
JS broadcast add buf latch
JS broadcast autostart latch
JS broadcast drop buf latch
JS broadcast kill buf latch
JS broadcast load blnc latch
JS global state obj latch
JS mem alloc latch
JS queue access latch
JS queue state obj latch
JS recent failure latch
JS slv state obj latch
KCNF Data Request Queue
KCNIBR - invalid block range tree
KDCStatHash latch
KDFI Buf Ctl Latch
KDFI Buffer Latch
KDFI Hash Bucket Latch
KDFI Hash Elem Latch
KDKV Auxiliary Map Latch
KDKV Invalid Buffer Latch
KDMADO Action Sync
KDMADO action list latch
KDMADO bll latch
KDMADO latch
KDMADO param val cache sync
KFA SGA latch
KFC FX Hash Latch
KFC Hash Latch
KFC LRU latch
KFC SGA latch
KFCL BX Freelist
KFCL Instance Latch
KFCL LE Freelist
KFDVA vaL Cache Latch
KFIAS client latch
KFIAS cluster latch
KFIAS endpoint latch
KFIAS fast latch
KFIAS node latch
KFIAS process latch
KFIAS queue latch
KFIAS top latch
KFK SGA Libload latch
KFM allocation
KFR redo allocation latch
KGNFS-NFS:SHM structure
KJC destination ctx free list
KJC global post event buffer
KJC global resend message queue
KJC message pool KGH calls
KJC message pool free list
KJC message pool pending avail list
KJC receiver ctx free list
KJC receiver queue access list
KJC snd proxy ctx free list
KJC snd proxy queue access list
KJCT flow control latch
KJCT receiver queue access
KKCN Cqn Reg Hash Table latch
KKCN Reg Hash Table latch
KKCN grp data latch
KKCN grp reg latch
KKCN reg stat latch
KKCNE Reg Stat latch
KKCNE grp reg latch
KMG MMAN ready and startup request latch
KMG resize request state object freelist
KPON ksr channel latch
KPOND ksr channel latch
KPOND pool lst latch
KQF runtime purge top lvl latch
KQF runtime table column alloc
KSFS OFS ctx level parent latch
KSFS OFS layer alloc latch
KSFS OFS req layer parent latch
KSFS OFS sess layer parent latch
KSFS Receive and Send Queue latch
KSFS id table parent latch
KSFS ksfs_node latch
KSFSD name cache latch
KSFSD name cache parent latch
KSGL LS Segment latch
KSGL SGA anchor latch
KSIPC ASPC anchor latch
KSIPC SGA allocation parent latch
KSIPCGSN Hash Table latch
KSIPCGSN Namespace latch
KSRMA SGA anchor latch
KSRMF SGA anchor latch
KSRMF UT anchor latch
KSWL SGA anchor latch
KSXR Instance Gone Latch
KSXR hang analysis phase 1 latch
KSXR hang analysis phase 2 latch
KSXR large replies
KTF sga latch
KTILM latch
KTU in-memory txn table latch
KTURMA SGA allocation parent latch
KWQMN job cache list latch
KWQMN to-be-Stopped Buffer list Latch
KWQP Prop Status
KWQS pqsubs latch
KWQS pqueue ctx latch
KWSB Job Cache
KWSBIT Free List
KWSBTM scheduling stats
KWSBTM slave so
KWSMCLD State Object
KWSNSM State Object
KXDAM sga state latch
KXDBIO latch
KZIC Latch
Key management
Latch for NonceHistory
Limit of XDS Child Cursor Latch
Locator state objects pool parent latch
Lost write SCN list
Lost write change tracking
Lsod array latch
MGA asr alloc latch
MGA heap latch
MGA pid alloc latch
MGA service latch
MGA shared context latch
MGA shared context root latch
MMON per PDB bit map latch
MQL Tracking Latch
Managed Standby Recovery State
Media rcv so alloc latch
Memory Management Latch
Memory Queue
Memory Queue Message Subscriber #1
Memory Queue Message Subscriber #2
Memory Queue Message Subscriber #3
Memory Queue Message Subscriber #4
Memory Queue Subscriber
Message cache latch
Metadata in SGA latch
MinActiveScn Latch
Minimum flashback SCN latch
Mutex Stats
NLS data objects
NSV command ID generation latch
NSV message latch
NVM Coremask
NVM DISP Global context
Nologging Standby SCN Time Map cache
Nologging Standby Statistics
Nologging standby progress SIL
Nonce variable
ODM-NFS:Global file structure
OFS forget queue latch
OFS request latch
OLS Group Tree
OLS label cache
OS file lock latch
OS process
OS process allocation
OS process: request allocation
Online Datafile Move latch
PC and Classifier lists for WLM
PC and Service Request Count lists for WLM
PDB Hash Table Latch
PDB LRU structure
PDB SGA accounting Latch
PL/SQL warning settings
PX hash array latch
Parent latch for dependency tracking
Parent latch for query hash table access
Parent latch for segments scanning
Policy Hash Table Latch
Policy Refresh Latch
Populate so latch
QOL Name Generation Latch
RAS Session User&Flag Table Latch
RBA broadcast init
RECO Verifiers Cache
REDO key cache latch
RLB latch
RSGA Queue
RSM process latch
RTA CIC message
RTT parent context
Read Only Database Account Status
Real time apply boundary
Real-time descriptor latch
Report Request stats latch
Report Request struct latch
Req deq shard id
Req enq shard id
Request holder compeltion list latch
Request id generation latch
Reserved Space Latch
Result Cache: MB Latch
Result Cache: RC Latch
Result Cache: SO Latch
Retry Ht elm latch
Retry bkt latch
Role set constraints
Roles granted to regular roles
Roles granted to users
SGA Blackbox latch
SGA IO buffer pool latch
SGA Logging Bkt Latch
SGA Logging Log Latch
SGA blob lock
SGA blob parent
SGA bucket locks
SGA global fib table latch
SGA heap creation lock
SGA heap locks
SGA kcrrgap latch
SGA kcrrlatmscnl latch
SGA kcrrpinfo latch
SGA mapping latch
SGA pool creation lock
SGA pool locks
SGA slab metadata lock
SGA table lock
SO private so latch
SPA Slave Task Context Latch
SQL memory manager latch
SQL memory manager workarea list latch
SR Stats Stripe Latch
SR Stats main anchor latch
SR segment reuse latch
STREAMS Pool Advisor
STREAMS: txn btree
Sage HT Latch
Sched IM Job latch
Sched InMem Job Cache
Security Class Hashtable
Shadow lost write data file
Sharding general allocation latch
Shared B-Tree
Shared memory lock latch
Split maps with pending writes
Statement Queuing SGA latch
Statement queuing latch
Store Old PDB GUID list
Streams Generic
Subscriber Ht elm latch
Token Manager
Transportable DB Context Latch
Triton Security Context Version Latch
Txn Ht elm latch
Txn bkt latch
UM object latch
UM root latch
Undo Hint Latch
Unexpected Error Test
WCR: MMON Create dir
WCR: MTS VC queue
WCR: kecr File Count
WCR: kecu cas mem
WCR: processes HT
WCR: sync
WCR: ticker cache
Write State Object Pool Parent Latch
XDB Byte Lock SGA Latch
XDB Config-1
XDB Config-2
XDB Config-3
XDB Mcache SGA Latch
XDB NFS Security Latch
XDB NFS Stateful SGA Latch
XDB PL/SQL Support
XDB unused session pool
XDB used session pool
XML DB Events
XS state object latch
acceptable condition management
active checkpoint queue latch
active service list
address list
affinity stats hash tables freelist
affinity stats objects freelist
alert log latch
archive destination
archive process
auto segment repair latch
base objn cache latch
begin backup scn array
block corruption recovery state
block media rcv so alloc latch
bq:time manger info latch
buffer pin latch
buffer pool
bufq statistics
business card
cache buffer handles
cache buffers chains
cache buffers lru chain
cache table scan latch
cached attr list
call allocation
change notification client cache latch
change tracking consistent SCN
change tracking optimization SCN
change tracking state change latch
channel anchor
channel handle pool latch
channel operations parent latch
checkpoint queue latch
chunk list latch
client/application info
compile environment latch
connection pool sga data lock
constraint object allocation
controlfile update task
corrupted undo seg latch
cost function
cp cmon array latch
cp cso latch
cp handoff latch
cp holder latch
cp pool array latch
cp pool latch
cp ref latch
cp server array latch
cp server hash latch
cp sga latch
cp srv type state latch
cp srv type wait latch
cr slave free list
cvmap freelist lock
data request task latch
database property service latch
datapump attach fixed tables latch
datapump job fixed tables latch
dbkea msgq latch
dbkpls swphs latch
deferred cleanup latch
device information
direct msg latch
dispatcher info
dml lock allocation
domain validation update latch
done queue latch
dtp latch
dummy allocation
dynamic channels
eighteenth spare latch - S non-parent
eighth spare latch - X parent
eleventh spare latch - children
emon sga global latch
end-point list
enqueue freelist latch
enqueue hash chains
enqueue message sequence number
enqueue sob latch
error message lists
fast space usage latch
fifteenth spare latch - children
fifth spare latch - X non-parent
file cache latch
file deallocation SCN cache
file number translation table
first Audit Vault latch
first spare latch - X non-parent
fixed table rows for x$hs_session
flash file access latch
flashback FBA barrier
flashback SCN barrier
flashback allocation
flashback archiver latch
flashback copy
flashback hint SCN barrier
flashback mapping
flashback marker cache
flashback prepare log info
flashback sync request
flush log buffer task latch
for slaves getting lno
fourteenth spare latch - children
fourth Audit Vault latch
fourth spare latch - X non-parent
gc element
gc imc list
gc persistent rm
gc pmon cleanup
gc query keys
gc undo hash index
gc xid list
gcr global ctx
gcr metric datalist
gcr structure management
gcs affinity object freelist latch
gcs brownout history latch
gcs commit scn state
gcs lock state resolution latch
gcs nodemap pool
gcs opaque info freelist
gcs partitioned table hash
gcs pcm hashed value bucket hash
gcs remaster request queue
gcs remastering latch
gcs resource freelist
gcs resource hash
gcs resource scan list
gcs resource timerq list
gcs resource validate list
gcs shadows freelist
generalized trace enabling latch
ges DFS wait callback info
ges cached resource lists
ges deadlock list
ges domain table
ges enqueue table freelist
ges group table
ges process hash list
ges process parent latch
ges process table freelist
ges recovery domain freelist latch
ges remote lock freelist
ges resource hash list
ges resource scan list
ges resource table freelist
ges s-lock bitvec freelist
ges statistic table
ges synchronous data
ges timeout list
ges value block free list
global KZLD latch for auth type mem in SGA
global KZLD latch for mem in SGA
global KZLG latch for AD domain memory in SGA
global KZLG latch for memory in SGA
global ctx hash table latch
global hanganlyze operation
global tx hash mapping
granule from data transfer cache
granule list of data transfer cache
gsm Service Per Region list letch
gsm instance stat
gsm region list letch
gws:Sharding global descriptor latch
hash table Sql Plan Finding latch
hash table column stats latch
hash table column usage latch
hash table dml freq tracking latch
hash table expression usage tracking latch
hash table modification latch
hash table sql contorl latch
hash table zonemap usage tracking latch
heartbeat check
heartbeat history management
heartbeat structure management
hint flashback FBA barrier
hot latch diags
i/o slave adaptor
image handles of buffered messages latch
imc buf hdl lat
imc cr clone buf
imc hash lat
imc sj lat
imc srchsp lat
in-memory area latch
in-memory columnar extent map latch
in-memory columnar segment hash table latch
in-memory columnar ts extent map chunk latch
in-memory global pool latch
instance enqueue
instance information
internal temp table object number allocation latch
interrupt manipulation
intra txn parallel recovery
io pool granule list
io pool granule metadata list
java patching
job queue sob latch
job workq parent latch
job_queue_processes free list latch
job_queue_processes parameter latch
jslv pdb context latch
k2q global data latch
k2q lock allocation
kcb DW scan objtemp hash table latch
kcb DW scan objtemp latch
kcbtsemkid latch
kcfis latch
kcfpdbrel_bitvec latch
kcn buffer chains
kcn header allocation
kcnr cache write SO allocation
kcnr recent RCVID list update
kcrrgapb latch
kdlx hb parent latch
keiut hash table modification
kexsv SC latch
kexsvus latch
key vector list latch
kgb latch
kgb parent
kgnfs mount latch
kjbfp shared context
kjbr roi instance map
kjci objects freelist latch
kjci process context latch
kjci process list latch
kjci request sequence latch
kjcipctx state object freelist latch
kjirbuddy resource latch
kjoedcso state object freelist latch
kjoeq Omni Enqueue freelist latch
kjoeq omni enqueue hash bucket latch
kjoeq replication context freelist latch
kjoer owner freelist
kjoer owner hash bucket
kjoer replication context freelist
kjpm my inst data
kjpm process struct free list
kjpm same node instance lists
kjsc Request obj freelist latch
kjsc Ring Buffer obj freelist latch
kjsc protect control request queue
kjsc protect warm up context
kjsca pkey obj freelist latch
kjsca protect pkey hash table bucket
kjsca protect service hash table bucket
kjsca service obj freelist latch
kjscpss state object freelist latch
kkae edition name cache
kmcptab latch
kmcpvec latch
kokc descriptor allocation latch
kpon job info latch
kpon sga structure
kpoxft latch
kpplsSyncStateListSga: lock
krb spare1 latch
krb spare2 latch
krb spare3 latch
krb spare4 latch
krdbc state object latch
krso process
krsr_sgaq_avmstats latch
ksbxic instance latch
kse signature
ksevn object root latch
ksfv messages
ksfv subheap
ksi resource reuse count
ksilookup lmd array freelist latch
ksim group membership cache
ksim membership request latch
ksipc so latch
ksir sga latch
ksiresm freelist latch
ksm sga alloc latch
ksns object allocation latch
ksns object latch
ksns object root latch
ksolt lwth alloc
kspoltest latch
kss move lock
kssmov protection latch
ksuosstats global area
ksupkttest latch
ksutcpistat latch
ksv allocation latch
ksv class latch
ksv instance latch
ksv msg queue latch
ksv remote inst ops
ksxp shared latch
ksxp so latch
ksz_so allocation latch
ktfbn latch
ktimext state object latch
ktm adg jrnls
ktm adg lookuptable level 1
ktm adg lookuptable level 2
ktm adg space
ktm adg stages
ktm adg worklink
ktm global data
ktm prv jrnls
ktmpj HT ls
kupp process latch
kwqi:kchunk latch
kwslbmdl: metadata latch
kwslbprocl: process count latch
kwslbql: queue latch
kwslbutl: uncommitted txn latch
kwsopt stat latch
kwsptQcachLt: queue cache latch
kwsptTrncTsksLt: trunc task latch
kwsptjobAdPtLt: AdPt list latch
kwsptjobTrPtLt: TrPt list latch
kwsslGlobalLat: global latch
kwsslLat: skiplist latch
kzan audit policy latch
kzsc heap latch
last service list
latch for ges resource pool freelist
latch for ges rht buckets array freelist
latch for ges rht structure freelist
latch for sabmr requests triggered by queries
lgwr LWN SCN
library cache load lock
list of block allocation
loader state object freelist
lob segment dispenser latch
lob segment hash table latch
lob segment query latch
lock DBA buffer during media recovery
lock new checkpoint scn during media recovery
log archive config
log write info
log write worker phase
logical standby cache
logical standby view
logminer context allocation
logminer local
logminer work area
longop free list parent
lreg configuration
managed standby
media recovery process out of buffers
message bitmap latch
message enqueue sync latch
message pool operations parent latch
mira inst ckpt scn
mira process information array modification
modify kcvdpc_req/_file
mostly latch-free SCN
mount mode context latch
msg queue latch
multiblock read objects
multiple dbwriter suspend
name-service entry
name-service memory objects
name-service memory recovery
name-service namespace bucket
name-service namespace objects
name-service pending queue
name-service request
name-service request queue
ncodef allocation latch
nineteenth spare latch - S non-parent
ninth spare latch - X parent
obj/range reuse redo processing
object queue header freelist
object queue header operation
object queue memory
object stats modification
other instances last written RBA
parallel ibr array
parallel query alloc buffer
parallel query stats
parallel recoverable recovery
parallel txn reco latch
parameter list
parameter table management
pass worker exception to master
pdb domain request queues
pdb enqueue hash chains
periodic dump event callbacks
pkey global statistics
pmon dead latch
pmon spawn latch
pmon tst latch
pmon tst latch 2
policy information
policy result list latch
post/wait queue
prespawn queue latch
proc-group map latch
process allocation
process group creation
process memory detail
process pkey statistics list
process queue
process queue reference
qmn state object latch
qmn task context latch
qmn task queue latch
qmne Export Table Latch
quarantine object
quarantine pending
quarantine region
query server freelists
query server process
queue sender's info. latch
queued dump request
queuing load statistics
read or modify gwm sga variables
read-moslty lock queue under pkey
read-only violation array modification
readable standby influx scn
readable standby lamport table
readable standby metadata redo cache
readredo stats and histogram
real redo SCN
records written to CLI
recovery domain freelist
recovery domain hash bucket
redo allocation
redo copy
redo gen encryption key structure
redo log management
redo transport task
redo writing
reg$ timeout service time
reid allocation latch
remote tool request latch
reservation so alloc latch
resmgr group change latch
resmgr:active threads
resmgr:actses change group
resmgr:actses change state
resmgr:free threads list
resmgr:incr/decr stats
resmgr:method mem alloc latch
resmgr:plan CPU method
resmgr:plan change alloc latch
resmgr:plan change latch
resmgr:pq event array
resmgr:pq mstat
resmgr:resource group CPU method
resmgr:schema config
resmgr:session queuing
resmgr:vc list latch
resumable state object
row cache objects
rsb inst ckpt scn
rt rmv count latch
rules engine aggregate statistics
rules engine evaluation context statistics
rules engine rule set statistics
rules engine rule statistics
second Audit Vault latch
second spare latch - X non-parent
segmented array pool
sequence cache
server alert latch
service drain list
session allocation
session idle bit
session queue latch
session state list latch
session statistics
session switching
session timer
seventeenth spare latch - S non-parent
seventh spare latch - X parent
sga hash table parent latch
shard latch
shardgroup list latch
shared pool
shared pool sim alloc
shared pool simulator
shared server configuration
shared server info
shrink stat allocation latch
sim partition latch
simulator hash latch
simulator lru latch
sixteenth spare latch - S non-parent
sixth spare latch - X parent
sort extent pool
space background SGA latch
space background state object latch
space background task latch
spare latch 1
spare latch 2
spilled messages latch
standby media recovery info
state object free list
state object latch
statistics aggregation
storage server table manipulation latch
subscriber Ht bkt
subshard operation latch
tablespace key chain
temp lob duration state obj allocation
temp undo so allocation
temporary table state object allocation
tenth spare latch - X parent
test excl. non-parent l0
test excl. non-parent lmax
test excl. parent l0
test excl. parent2 l0
test excl. parent2 lmid cln
test generic mode
test generic normal
test generic open
test generic pdb
test mixed exclusive
test mode exclusive
test mode shared
test open exclusive
test open shared
test pdb exclusive
test pdb shared
test shared non-parent l0
test shared parent2 lmid
third Audit Vault latch
third spare latch - X non-parent
thirteenth spare latch - children
threshold alerts latch
trace latch
transaction allocation
transaction branch allocation
twelfth spare latch - children
twentieth spare latch - S non-parent
twenty-fifth spare latch - S par
twenty-first spare latch - S par
twenty-fourth spare latch - S par
twenty-second spare latch - S par
twenty-third spare latch - S par
undo global data
vecio buf des
virtual circuit buffers
virtual circuit holder
virtual circuit queues
virtual circuits
wallet access so alloc latch
write to kcbpws
write to kcvcfhmap
xscalc freelist
xssinfo freelist

See also

Other locking mechanisms, such as
Joining x$kslld to x$ksmfsv to show the SGA variables that are related to latches.
