Search notes:

Oracle: init parameter log_archive_dest_n

log_archive_dest_n (n = 1 … 32) specifies the location of the online redo log files.
Each log_archive_dest_n parameter corresponds to a log_archive_dest_state_n parameter that is used to enable or disable the redo destination.
The dynamic performance view v$archive_dest shows the current settings and status for each redo transport destination.

Invalid destinations

If a database is in archive log mode, the value of log_archive_dest_n must point to a valid and writable destionation. If not sooner or later, a ORA-00257 Archiver error. Connect AS SYSDBA only until resolved error will be thrown.
Use the value of status in v$archive_dest to check if there is a problem with any destination.

See also

init parameters
