Search notes:

SQLcl: User defined command handlers

Print the name of an executed script in green

The following SQLcl command handler runs (start, @) an SQL script.
Before the script is executed, its name is colored in green to make debugging easier if lots of scripts are run.
      handleEvent: function(conn, ctx, cmd) {

         var stmt = cmd.getSql().trim();
         if ( stmt.startsWith('runscript') ) {

             var scriptName = stmt.substring("runscript".length).trim();
             print("Running \x1b[32m" + scriptName + "\x1b[0m"); // Embed the script name in ANSI escape sequences for green.
             sqlcl.setStmt('@ ' + scriptName);;

             return true;

         return false;

      beginEvent: function(conn, ctx, cmd) {},
      endEvent :  function(conn, ctx, cmd) {}

Update 2024-04-18: It turns out that using this command handler causes SQLcl to sometimes(!) raise an exception if the sourced script contains an anonymous PL/SQL block.
An alternative to achieve the desired effect is this attempt to color or highlight the name of executed scripts (it is an SQL script that uses colored prompts).
