Search notes:

Oracle: An alternative for LISTAGG to avoid ORA-01489 / order aggregated values

This is an evolution (2nd version) of first version of a PL/SQL type that allows to prevent an ORA-01489: result of string concatenation is too long error in combination with listagg.
This 2nd version allows to concatenate strings and indicate how they're ordered.

Source code

create type tq84_listagg_rec authid definer as object (
     value_   varchar2(4000),
     order_by integer

create type tq84_listagg_rec_t as table of tq84_listagg_rec;

create or replace type tq84_listagg_t authid definer as object (

    sep        varchar2(4000),
    recs       tq84_listagg_rec_t,

    static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx            in out nocopy tq84_listagg_t,
                                            separator                     varchar2      )
                    return number,

    member function ODCIAggregateIterate   (self            in out nocopy tq84_listagg_t,
                                            rec             in            tq84_listagg_rec
                                       --   value_          in            varchar2      ,
                                       --   order_by        in            integer       
                    return number,

    member function ODCIAggregateTerminate (self            in out nocopy tq84_listagg_t,
                                            return_value       out nocopy clob          ,
                                            flags           in            number        )
                    return number,

    member function ODCIAggregateMerge     (self            in out nocopy tq84_listagg_t,
                                            ctx2            in            tq84_listagg_t)
                    return number,

    static function go(rec tq84_listagg_rec, order_by number)
                    return clob
    --              parallel_enable
                    aggregate using tq84_listagg_t

Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/aggregate/listagg/clob/v2/spec.sql
create or replace type body tq84_listagg_t is

    static function ODCIAggregateInitialize(sctx in out nocopy tq84_listagg_t, separator varchar2)
        return number
        sctx := tq84_listagg_t(separator, tq84_listagg_rec_t());

        return ODCIConst.success;
    end ODCIAggregateInitialize;

    member function ODCIAggregateIterate(
        self     in out nocopy tq84_listagg_t,
        rec      in            tq84_listagg_rec
    return number is

        self.recs(self.recs.count) := rec;

        return ODCIConst.success;
    end ODCIAggregateIterate;

    member function ODCIAggregateTerminate(
        self         in  out nocopy tq84_listagg_t,
        return_value     out nocopy clob,
        flags        in             number
    return number is
        first_ boolean := true;

        dbms_lob.createTemporary(return_value, true,;

        for x in (select value_ from table(self.recs) order by order_by) loop

           if first_ then
              first_ := false;
              dbms_lob.writeAppend(return_value, length(self.sep), self.sep);
           end if;

           dbms_lob.writeAppend(return_value, length(x.value_), x.value_);

        end loop;

  --    TODO: who is responsible for freeing the clob
  --    dbms_lob.freeTemporary(return_value);

        return ODCIConst.success;
    end ODCIAggregateTerminate;

    member function ODCIAggregateMerge(
        self in out nocopy tq84_listagg_t,
        ctx2 in            tq84_listagg_t
    ) return number is
       aggregated clob;

raise_application_error(-20800, 'is the method ever called without parallel mode?');


        if ctx2.aggregated is not null then
           dbms_lob.writeAppend(self.aggregated, length(sep) , sep        );
           dbms_lob.append     (self.aggregated, ctx2.aggregated);
        end if;

        return ODCIConst.success;

    end ODCIAggregateMerge;

Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/aggregate/listagg/clob/v2/body.sql
create or replace function tq84_listagg_f(
   rec       tq84_listagg_rec,
   separator varchar2
return clob authid definer
-- parallel_enable
   aggregate using tq84_listagg_t;
Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/aggregate/listagg/clob/v2/func.sql


   tq84_listagg_f(tq84_listagg_rec(object_name, object_id),  ' - ')

   tq84_listagg_f(tq84_listagg_rec(column_name, -column_id),  ',')
Github repository Oracle-patterns, path: /SQL/select/aggregate/listagg/clob/v2/test.sql
