Search notes:

Oracle Regular Expressions functions: Parameter MATCH_PARAM

The Oracle regular epxression functions come with a match_param parameter that allows to change the default matching behaviour of these functions.
match_param can be any combination of the following letters:
i for case-insensitive matching
c for case-sensitive matching
n lets the dot (.) also match the new line character.
m treats the source text as a multi line text: ^ and $ match not only at the beginning and end of the source text but also where new line characters occur in text
x ignores whitespace characters in the pattern. This is used for more readable patterns.

Case sensitivenss

The default case-sensitiveness is determined by NLS_SORT.
Find lowercase lettters after a number:
select regexp_replace('foo42barBAZ etc.', '.*\d([a-z]+).*', '\1', 1, 1, 'c') from dual;
Find letters after a number, don't take their case into account
select regexp_replace('foo42barBAZ etc.', '.*\d([a-z]+).*', '\1', 1, 1, 'i') from dual;
