Search notes:

Oracle: XML related SQL functions

XMLQuery and XMLCast are typically used in a select list.
XMLExists is typically used in a where clause clause.
XMLTable is typically used in a from clause.
extractValue applies an XPath expression and returns a scalar value.
This function is deprecated in favor of XMLTable, XMLCast and XMLQuery.

XQuery: Operating on sequences of items

An XQuery expression returns a sequence of items. Such a sequence can be evaluated in XMLQuery or XMLTable.
XMLQuery constructs another xML document from the sequence while XMLTable turns the sequence into a virtual (SQL) table and returns a record for each item.

Generate records

The following statement generates 42 records, numbered from 1 through 42.
--   2:  use XMLTable to extract the numbers and create a row
--       for each number.
--   3:  Each node that is found with the following path
--       is turned into a row.
--   1:  use XMLQuery to create a dynamic
--       XML document with the
--       numbers for which a record
--       needs to be created.
--       The returned document looks like
--            <nums>
--               <i>1</i>
--               <i>2</i>
--               ...
--            </nums>
      passing XMLQuery('
           (: Step one
                   use XMLQuery to create a dynamic
                   XML document with the
                   numbers for which a record
                   needs to be created :)
            for $i in (1 to 42) return <i>{ $i }</i>
   ' returning content)
--   4:  Specity the data types of each returned attribute (column)
--       and associate the column with another XPath expression
--      (here: the rather simple dot)
         num   number       path  '.'
   ) t;
See also Generated an arbitrary number of records with Oracle SQL.

See also

SQL functions
