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Oracle SQL: Using the Largest Reminder Method to round percentages so that their sum is 100 percent

When rounding percentages and summing them up, the total does not necessarily equal 100. For example, this is the case with the following test data:
create table tq84_pct_rounding (
    gr   varchar2(3) not null,
    val  number      not null

   delete tq84_pct_rounding;
   insert into tq84_pct_rounding(gr, val) values ('A', 331.172154);
   insert into tq84_pct_rounding(gr, val) values ('B', 519.632271);
   insert into tq84_pct_rounding(gr, val) values ('C', 213.466626);
   insert into tq84_pct_rounding(gr, val) values ('D', 729.200169);
   insert into tq84_pct_rounding(gr, val) values ('E', 410.338305);
   insert into tq84_pct_rounding(gr, val) values ('F', 613.159488);
   insert into tq84_pct_rounding(gr, val) values ('G',   0       );
The following query uses the ratio_to_report analytic function calculate the percentage of VAL and then rounds it to two decimal places.
column val   format 990.000
column pct   format  90.00
column pct_2 format  90.00

   round(val, 3)                                val,
   round(100 * ratio_to_report(val) over (), 2) pct
order by
   val desc;
-- GR       VAL    PCT
-- --- -------- ------
-- D    729.200  25.89
-- F    613.159  21.77
-- B    519.632  18.45
-- E    410.338  14.57
-- A    331.172  11.76
-- C    213.467   7.58
-- G      0.000   0.00
It turns out that the sum of the (rounded) PCT values is 100.02! Arguably, these values should add up to 100 percent.
There are several ways to achieve this, for example to simply subtract 0.02 from a randomly chosen PCT values, but this feels a bit odd. I feel there should be a more mathematical way to achieve a sum of 100 percent.
This article tries to demonstrate how the Largest reminder method can be used in SQL for our goal. While this method solves our problem, it is a bit complex in that it requires to write three views.

First view: Determine percentage to 2 decimal places and its reminder

The first view calculates a percentage to two decimal places (column pct_2). It uses trunc not round, so that all percentages are rounded down rather than mathematically.
The column pct_rem keeps track of the remaining, not accounted, value of pct_2 in respect to the real value of pct
create or replace view tq84_pct_rounding_w_1 as
          100 * ratio_to_report(val) over ()     pct,
   trunc( 100 * ratio_to_report(val) over (), 2) pct_2,
          100 * ratio_to_report(val) over ()     -
   trunc( 100 * ratio_to_report(val) over (), 2) pct_rem

Second view: Determine number of modifcations

The second view calculates the number of required modifications to PCT where 0.01 must be added to obtain 100 and makes this number available in the column nof_required_modifications.
This number can be calculated by subtracting the total sum of pct_2 (in the query: sum(pct_2) over ()) from 100 (which results on 0.02 with our test data) and multiplying this result with 100 (which results in 2).
In addition, this view adds an increasing value (rn) in order of decreasing pct_rem so that the largest reminder gets the value one, the second largest reminder 2 and so on.
create or replace view tq84_pct_rounding_w_2 as
   100 * (100 - sum(pct_2) over() )          nof_required_modifications,
   row_number() over (order by pct_rem desc) rn

Third view: Appling the modifications

NOw that we know the number of modifications and have the column rn, we can apply the modification where rn <= nof_required_modifications:
create or replace view tq84_pct_rounding_w_3 as
   pct_2 + case when rn <= nof_required_modifications then 0.01 else 0.00 end pct_2

Querying the view

Finally, we're able to query the view.
   round(val, 3) val,
order by
   val desc;
-- GR       VAL  PCT_2
-- --- -------- ------
-- D    729.200  25.88
-- F    613.159  21.77
-- B    519.632  18.45
-- E    410.338  14.57
-- A    331.172  11.75
-- C    213.467   7.58
-- G      0.000   0.00
NOw, the sum of PCT_2 is 100, as expected.
