Search notes:

Oracle SQL: Find stable values in historized data

Many datawarehouses historize data by adding a VALID_FROM (and possibly a redundant VALID_TO) column to tables. The value of VALID_FROM then indicates the date when the record was inserted.
Because there are multiple versions of a record with the same primary key, some values don't change (for example social security ID etc.), i. e. they're stable in respect to the primary key to which they belong.
The following example presents an SQL statement to determine columns whose values is stable.
First, we need a test table and fill it with some data:
create table tq84_historized_data (
   pk          integer  not null,  -- Not a REAL primary key, because data ist historized
   valid_from  date not null check (valid_from = trunc(valid_from)),
   col_1       number,
   col_2       varchar2(10),
   col_3       varchar2(10),
   col_4       varchar2(10)

   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  1, date '2020-08-07',  17, 'abc', 'def', 'xxx');
   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  1, date '2021-03-21',   5, 'abc', 'def', 'xxx');
   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  1, date '2022-11-11',   2, 'abc', 'def', 'xxx');

   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  2, date '2020-09-12',   8, 'ghi', 'jkl', 'yyy');
   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  2, date '2020-12-05',  22, 'ghi', 'jkl', 'yyy');
   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  2, date '2021-03-28',  15, null , 'jkl', 'yyy');
   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  2, date '2021-12-20',  13, 'ghi', 'mno', 'yyy');

   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  3, date '2021-05-10',   4, 'pqr', 'stu', 'zzz');
   insert into tq84_historized_data values (  3, date '2021-10-14',   7, 'pqr', 'stu', 'zzz');

We then count the number of distinct values per (virtual) primary key. If the maximum value of this count is 1, the value of the column can be considered stable for the primary key.
select distinct
   'col_1 is ' || case when max(count(distinct sys_op_map_nonnull(col_1))) over() > 1 then 'NOT ' end || 'stable' c1,
   'col_2 is ' || case when max(count(distinct sys_op_map_nonnull(col_2))) over() > 1 then 'NOT ' end || 'stable' c2,
   'col_3 is ' || case when max(count(distinct sys_op_map_nonnull(col_3))) over() > 1 then 'NOT ' end || 'stable' c3,
   'col_4 is ' || case when max(count(distinct sys_op_map_nonnull(col_4))) over() > 1 then 'NOT ' end || 'stable' c4
group by
The result of the query suggests that only the value of col_4 is stable:
-- C1                   C2                   C3                   C4                 
-- -------------------  -------------------  -------------------  -------------------
-- col_1 is NOT stable  col_2 is NOT stable  col_3 is NOT stable  col_4 is stable  
Cleaning up:
drop   table tq84_historized_data;

Generating query

The query to determine stable values can be generated by manually adapting the result of the following query:
   '''' || column_name ||  ' is '' || case when max(count(distinct sys_op_map_nonnull(' || column_name || '))) over() > 1 then ''NOT '' end || ''stable'' ' || column_name || ','
  table_name = 'TQ84_HISTORIZED_DATA';
