Search notes:


The Oracle DCL grant statement allows to give a user or a role an object privilege which is needed for the user or role to access the respective object.
The granted privileges can be queried through the data dictionary views dba_tab_privs, all_tab_privs and user_tab_privs.
A given privilege can be taken away with the revoke statement.

Grant privileges on columns

Create two users

Create two users for an example that is supposed to demonstrate privileges on columns
connect / as sysdba

create user usr_1
       identified by pw_1
       default tablespace data
       quota unlimited on data;

create user usr_2
       identified by pw_2;

grant  connect,
       create table
    to usr_1;

grant  connect
    to usr_2;

Create a table

A table is created.
Add a couple of records.
USR_2 is allowed to select from the table and to update two columns: col_2 and col_3.
connect usr_1/pw_1

create table tab_1 (
   col_1   number,
   col_2   varchar2(10),
   col_3   varchar2(10),
   col_4   varchar2(10)

insert into tab_1 values (1, 'one', 'foo', 'important');
insert into tab_1 values (2, 'two', 'bar', 'data!'    );

grant select,
      update(       col_2, col_3)
   on tab_1
   to usr_2;

Select from the table

USR_2 was granted select privileges on the table and can select from the table:
connect usr_2/pw_2


Updating the table

USR_2 is only able to update col_2 and col_3.
If the user tries to update data in another column, the error ORA-01031: insufficient privileges is thrown.
   col_2 = 'TWO'
   col_1 = 2;

-- ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
-- update
--    usr_1.tab_1
-- set
--    col_4 = '***'
-- where
--    col_1 = 1;

Clean up

connect / as sysdba

drop user usr_2;
drop user usr_1 cascade;

See also

ORA-01720: grant option does not exist for …
Oracle SQL
