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Oracle SQL macros: basic example

This page tries to demonstrate some basic (useless) examples on how Oracle's SQL macros work.

Test data

First, we need some test data:
drop table someData purge;

create table someData (
   id    varchar2(5)   primary key,
   num   number,
   txt   varchar2(20)

insert into someData values ('foo', 42, 'twenty-four');
insert into someData values ('bar', 99, 'ninety-nine');
insert into someData values ('baz', -2, 'minus two'  );

Github repository oracle-patterns, path: /PL-SQL/function-procedure/sql_macro/basic-example/data.sql

The sql-macro function

The following function returns the text of a select statement.
The values of the parameters of the function (here: p_id), will be replaced by bind variables in the returned SQL statement:
create or replace function selectData(p_id varchar2) return varchar2 sql_macro
is begin

   return q'{

          id = p_id -- Note that p_id is embedded in a string!

end selectData;
Github repository oracle-patterns, path: /PL-SQL/function-procedure/sql_macro/basic-example/func.sql
Note: because the parameter is used for bind variables, it can only be used where bind variables are permitted. In particular, this means that the parameter cannot be used to select dynamically from different tables.

Selecting from the function

Because the function is declared with sql_macro clause, it allows to be selected from:
select *        from selectData('foo');
--        NUM TXT
-- ---------- --------------------
--         42 twenty-four

select num, txt from selectData('bar');
--        NUM TXT
-- ---------- --------------------
--         99 ninety-nine

select txt, num from selectData('baz');
-- TXT                         NUM
-- -------------------- ----------
-- minus two                    -2
Github repository oracle-patterns, path: /PL-SQL/function-procedure/sql_macro/basic-example/select.sql
