Search notes:

PLS-00174: a static boolean expression must be used

In the following minimalistic example, the package tq84_compilation_flags is used to provide true/false values for conditional PL/SQL compilation.
create or replace package tq84_compilation_flags authid definer as
    verbose boolean := true;
end tq84_compilation_flags;
tq84_compilation_flags is then used in the «productive» package tq84_xyz:
create or replace package tq84_xyz authid definer as
    procedure run;
end tq84_xyz;
create or replace package body tq84_xyz as
    procedure run is begin
       $if tq84_compilation_flags.verbose $then
           dbms_output.put_line(' was called');
       dbms_output.put_line('XYZ was run');
    end run;
end tq84_xyz;
When trying to compile tq84_xyz, it results in PLS-00174: a static boolean expression must be used.
In tq84_compilation_flags, verbose must be changed to be a constant:
create or replace package tq84_compilation_flags authid definer as
    verbose CONSTANT boolean := true;
end tq84_compilation_flags;

See also

Oracle PL/SQL: Errors and warnings
