Search notes:

Algorithm: merging two (sorted) files with Sort::Merge::Flat

The Perl module

package Sort::Merge::Flat;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = 0.01;

my $dbg;

my @curr_values;
my @inputs;

my $callback_cmp_key;
sub go {

  my $callbacks_key_value          = shift;
     $callback_cmp_key             = shift;  # must return true if first key < second key
  my $callback_merge_values_of_key = shift;
  my $callback_return_key_values   = shift;

  my $last_k;
  my $curr_k;

  @inputs = map { { cb_kv => $_, has_more_input => 1} } @$callbacks_key_value;

  request_input($_) for @inputs;

  $curr_k = determine_minimum_k();

  $last_k = $curr_k;

  while (grep {$_->{has_more_input}} @inputs) {

    for my $input (grep {$_->{has_more_input}} @inputs) {

      if ($input->{k} eq $curr_k) {


    $last_k = $curr_k;

    $curr_k = determine_minimum_k();

    last unless $curr_k;

    next if $curr_k eq $last_k;

    my $ret = &$callback_merge_values_of_key(@curr_values);

    &$callback_return_key_values($last_k, $ret);
    @curr_values = ();



sub request_input {

  my $input = shift;

  my @kv = &{$input->{cb_kv}}();

  if (@kv == 2) {
    ($input->{k}, $input->{v}) = @kv;
  else {
     undef $input->{k};
     $input->{has_more_input} = 0;


sub advance_input {

  my $input = shift;

  push @curr_values, $input->{v};


sub determine_minimum_k {

  my $k;

  for my $input (grep { defined $_->{k} } @inputs ) {

    if (defined $k) {

      if (  &$callback_cmp_key(  $input->{k}  , $k   )) {
        $k = $input->{k};

    else {
      $k = $input->{k};

  return $k;


Github repository Algorithms, path: /merge/sorted-input/Sort/Merge/

A script that uses the module

use warnings;
use strict;
use Sort::Merge::Flat;

my @fh_in;

open ($fh_in[0], '<', 'input-files/flat-a') or die;
open ($fh_in[1], '<', 'input-files/flat-b') or die;
open ($fh_in[2], '<', 'input-files/flat-c') or die;
open ($fh_in[3], '<', 'input-files/flat-d') or die;

open (my $fh_out, '>','output-files/flat') or die;

    sub { read_key_value(0) },
    sub { read_key_value(1) },
    sub { read_key_value(2) },
    sub { read_key_value(3) },
  sub { $_[0] < $_[1] },
  sub { join ';', @_ },
  sub { my ($k, $vals) = @_; print $fh_out "$k: $vals\n" }


close $_ for @fh_in;

sub read_key_value {

# Sort::Merge::Flat->debug("read_key_value ");

  my $file_no = shift;

  my $line = readline $fh_in[$file_no];

  return () unless defined $line;

 (my $key   = $line ) =~ s/ .*//;
 (my $value = $line ) =~ s/^[^ ]+ +//;

 chomp $key;
 chomp $value;

 return ($key, $value);

Github repository Algorithms, path: /merge/sorted-input/

See also

Algorithm: merging two (sorted) files
