Search notes:

SQL Developer installation directory: sqldeveloper/bin/sqldeveloper.conf

This file allows to set the location of the Java Development Kit (SKD) being used by SQL Developer with the SetJavaHome directive.
Typically, the content of sqldeveloper/bin/sqldeveloper.conf is something like
IncludeConfFile ../../ide/bin/ide.conf

#Set our usage tracking URI
AddVMOption  -Dide.update.usage.servers=

#Disable the AddinPolicyUtils
AddVMOption  -Doracle.ide.util.AddinPolicyUtils.OVERRIDE_FLAG=true

#Draw performance change
AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.ddoffscreen=false

#font performance

AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.startup.features=sqldeveloper

AddJavaLibFile ../lib/oracle.sqldeveloper.homesupport.jar
AddVMOption -Doracle.ide.osgi.boot.api.OJStartupHook=oracle.dbtools.raptor.startup.HomeSupport

#Configure some JDBC settings

AddVMOption -Doracle.jdbc.mapDateToTimestamp=false  
AddVMOption -Doracle.jdbc.autoCommitSpecCompliant=false

# The setting below applies to THIN driver ONLY for others set this to false. 
# Refer to OracleDriver doc. for more info.
AddVMOption -Doracle.jdbc.useFetchSizeWithLongColumn=true

AddVMOption -Dsun.locale.formatasdefault=true
AddVMOption -Dorg.netbeans.CLIHandler.server=false

#Disable remote entity resolution

# Avoid rendering exceptions on some graphics library / java / Linux combinations
# enable only if you are getting
# java.lang.ClassCastException: sun.awt.image.BufImgSurfaceData cannot be cast to sun.java2d.xr.XRSurfaceData
# ref:
# AddVMOption -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false

IncludeConfFile  java11.conf

IncludeConfFile  sqldeveloper-nondebug.conf

Set value for User Information Directory

As per this thread, the path of the user information directory can be set in sqldeveloper.conf with the following directive:
SetUserHomeVariable C:\users\rene\sql-scripts 
Unfortunately, this didn't seem to work with my installation.
Update: this thread suggested to use SetUserHome rather than SetUserHomeVariable, yet, I had no success with this either.



AddVMOption -Dide.user.dir=X:\y\z…

See also

The values ide.conf and ide.config_path (Help -> About -> Properties)
