Search notes:

Libre Office Basic

Like VBA, Libre Office Basic is not case sensitive.


Comments can be introduced with rem or with a quote character:
rem    This is a comment
 '     So is this

Message boxes

sub main

    dim answer as integer

    answer = msgBox("Should we go now?", mb_yesno)

    if     answer = idyes then
           msgBox "Let's go"
    elseif answer = idno  then
           msgBox "Let's stay here"
           msgBox "This is rather unexpected"
    end if

end sub


Print opens a message box, too. Is there nothing like VBA's debug.print in order to print messages to a console rather than a message box?
sub main

    print "This opens a message box, too"

end sub


CreateUnoService seems to be rather important function: it instantiates a Uno service (whatever this is) with the ProcessServiceManager (whatever this is).
A list of services (that can be instantiated?) is here.
UNO stands for Universal Network Objects.


Resize column

sub main

    dim sh       as object
    dim cols     as object
    dim col_2    as object

    sh   = thisComponent.getSheets().getByName("Sheet1")
    cols = sh.getColumns()
    col_2 = cols.getByName("B")

    print "current width is " & col_2.width
    col_2.width = 4000
end sub

Run VBA code

It possible to run VBA code in Libre Office:
'      attribute VBA_ModuleType=VBAModule  
option VBASupport 1
sub main

    dim rng   as range

    set rng   =  activeSheet.range("B4")
    rng.value = "fourth row, second column"
end sub
