Search notes:

Using osmtogeojson to convert an Overpass-API result to GeoJSON

This example build upon making an Overpass API request from a webpage and demonstrates how the XML result of an Overpass API query can be turned into GeoJSON.
<!DOCTYPE html>
   <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
   <title>Overpass API request</title>

    <script src='lib/osmtogeojson.js'></script>

    <script>function go() {

       let query = document.getElementById('query').value;

       fetch('', {
           method : "POST",
           body   :  query
       }).then(r => {

           if (r.status !== 200) {

           r.text().then(txt => {

               let domParser = new DOMParser ();
               let xml = domParser.parseFromString (txt, 'text/xml');

               let geoson = osmtogeojson(xml, {
                  // Options go here, can be used to filter uninteresting tags etc.
                  // ---
                  // uninterestingTags: {
                  //    "tag_name": true
                  // }
               document.getElementById('out').innerText = JSON.stringify(geoson);

       }).catch(e => {
           alert('Request produced an error: ' + e);



  <textarea id='query' rows='5' cols='80'>nwr[wikidata = Q65119];
out geom;

   <p><input type='button' value='Go!' onclick='go();'/>

   <p>Query result:<br>
   <div id='out' style='font-family: monospace'></div>

Github repository about-Overpass-API, path: /js/osmtogeojson.html


The second parameter in osmtogeojson can be used to set some options, for example to define uninteresting tags.
As per a comment in Stackoverflow, the uninterestingTags option does not affect connected nodes.

See also

Making Overpass-API requests from a webpage


It looks like the most recent (and readable) version of the sourcecode can be found at
A specific (and unreadable) version can be requested with
