Search notes:

Overpass Turbo IDE extensions for the Overpass API

The Overpass Turbo IDE has some extensions to assist formulating queries for the Overpass API.
{{bbox}} Calculate a bounding box based on current map view bounding box coordinates of the current map view
{{center}} Calculate center coordinates of current map view map center coordinates
{{date}} Current date and time
{{date:specifier}} Create historical date based on specifier. Syntax is a number followed by a time period: second, minute, hour, days, weeks, months, years. E.g. 1 day, 2 years
{{date:…}} ISO 8601 date-time-string a certain time interval ago (e.g. “24 hours”)
{{geocodeId:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query. Use OSM id of first result
{{geocodeArea:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query for an area. Use OSM id of first area
{{geocodeBbox:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query. Use the bounding box of the first result
{{geocodeCoords:"query"}} Perform Nominatim search using query. Use the centroid of the first result
{{style:…}} Define MapCSS stylesheet which specify how a query result is (graphically) rendered.
{{var=val}} Define a variable named var. {{var}} will be relpaced by val in the query.
{{data:overpass,server=...}} Specify URL of Overpass API endpoint
