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Bitcoin in Switzerland


Using Bitcoins as means of payment is not regulated, meaning, it does not need a special permit or license.
However, the professional buying and selling of Bitcoins and the operation of Bitcoin transaction systems are regulated by anti money laundering laws (AML).
Such providers, suppliers and vendors must either connect with a self regulating body (Selbstregulierungsorganisation, SRO) or apply for a license from FINMA (DUFI = Direkt unterstellter Finanzintermediär)
If the commercial Bitcoin activities pertain to the money laudering laws, there's an obligation for executive care, especially in identifiying the customers (Know your customer, KYC)
Certain activities even need a banking license: for example in fiduciary relationships or other typical bank-type relations.


Apparently, Bitcoins can be bought at public train (SBB/CFF/FSS) ticket vending machines: Make quick and easy purchases with Bitcoin
Bitcoin Suisse AG operates an ATM network (with a 5 % fee relative to Bitstamp/Kraken).
Bity (Co-founder Alexis Roussel) seems to be a competitor of Bitcoin Suisse AG.
ATM in ShopVille, Zürich @ Western Union


Blockchainsource: Blockchain consulting
Monetas claims to build the world's most advanced transaction platform.
Shift Devices AG/digital bitbox seems to produce a hardware wallet.
Bitcoin Association Switzerland
EverdreamSoft: Mobile Games Development & Blockchain Gaming Tools.
