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Terraform is a software tool that is used to define and provision data center infrastructures using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), which is a declarative configuration language.
Terraform is similar to CloudFormation, but deals with not only one provider (such as AWS in the case of CloudFormation).

Managing resources

With HCL, it is possible to manage resources
In order to be able to manage a particular resource, there must be a provider for the given type of resource. An exclusive list of such providers is maintained by HashiCorp.

Some providers

Some infrastructure providers include

Terraform executable

The Terraform executable can be downloaded from Terraform's download page. It is a zip file that contains a single file which is the executable to be stored in a directory that is accessible by the PATH environment variable.


How does Terraform compare to
A stack (in Oracle Cloud?) is a Terraform configuration.
Terraform module structure

See also

Terrform as a project from HashiCorp, as is also Vagrant.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Default VCN Terraform Module (github)
