Search notes:

Artificial Intelligence

An AI-algorithm can either be unsupervised or supervised.



Get list of models
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" | jq '.data | sort_by(.id) | .[].id'

Some prompts I tried:
Translate "select sysdate from dual" to sql server and sqlite dialect:
In SQL Server, the equivalent statement would be:
In SQLite, the equivalent statement would be:
What does the following sql statement return on oracle: "select 0/0 as x from dual"
In Oracle, the statement SELECT 0/0 AS X FROM DUAL would return the following error message:
ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero
This is because dividing a number by zero is undefined in mathematics and is not allowed in SQL. The DUAL table is a special one-row, one-column table present in some databases, including Oracle. It is often used to hold a constant value or to perform a simple calculation, but in this case it is not relevant as the error occurs before any data from the DUAL table is accessed.
Propose me a tag line for an sql developer
Here are a few ideas for taglines for an SQL developer:
  • Building databases, one query at a time.
  • Transforming data into insights and solutions.
  • Bringing order to the chaos of information.
  • Unlocking the power of structured data.
  • Innovating with SQL to drive business success.
These taglines are intended to be inspiring and highlight the unique skills and expertise of an SQL developer. The exact tagline that would be best for you would depend on your personal style and the image you want to project.
create a pun that plays with SQL
Why was the SQL query so popular at the party?
Because it knew how to SELECT the best jokes!
Reformat this SQL statement and add comments: "select ename, dname, job, empno, hiredate, loc from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno order by ename"
Here is one possible reformatted version of the SQL statement with added comments:
-- Select columns from the EMP and DEPT tables
SELECT ename, dname, job, empno, hiredate, loc
FROM emp
  ON emp.deptno = dept.deptno
-- Order the results by employee name
ORDER BY ename
This version of the SQL statement uses explicit INNER JOIN syntax and includes comments to explain each part of the query. It also uses more descriptive table and column names, which can make the query easier to read and understand. However, the specific formatting and naming conventions used in the query may vary depending on the specific database and the preferences of the developer.

See also

genetic algorithm
Robotic process automation
JTC 1/SC 42 Artificial intelligence
Azure Cognitive Search
The Dartmouth workshop (1956) is widely considered to be the founding event of Artificial Intelligence as a field of study.
Fourth industrial revolution
Nvidia is the dominant supplier of AI hardware and software.
