Search notes:

Android SDK


The Android SDK consists of multiple packages which are required to develop apps.
These packages can be installed and updated with the (GUI based) SDK Manager (Tools -> SDK Manager) or the command line tool tools/bin/sdkmanager.

Required packages

Required packages are
Android SDK Build-Tools Tools to build Android apps
Android SDK Platform-Tools Tools required by the Android platform, including the adb tool.
Android SDK Tools Tools such as ProGuard
Android SDK Platform At least one platform is required.

Recommended packages

Recommended packages include
Android Emulator A QEMU based device emulator tool, typically used to debug and test an applications in an Android runtime environment.
Intel or ARM System Images A system image is required to run the Android Emulator.


The value of the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_ROOT points to SDK installation directory. It supersedes the deprecated variable ANDROID_HOME.
