Search notes:

SVG elements

<a> Hyperlink to web pages, files, locations in the same page, email addresses, or any other URL.
<cursor> Specifies the shape of the mouse cursor when the mouse pointer is over an element. Behave like the CSS cursor attribute.
<defs> Graphic «templates» which can be rendered multiple times with <use>. See also <pattern>
<fe…> <feBlend>, <feColorMatrix>, <feComponentTransfer>, <feComposite>, <feConvolveMatrix>, <feDiffuseLighting>, <feDisplacementMap>, <feDistantLight>, <feFlood>, <feFuncA>, <feFuncB>, <feFuncG>, <feFuncR>, <feGaussianBlur>, <feImage>, <feMerge>, <feMergeNode>, <feMorphology>, <feOffset>, <fePointLight>, <feSpecularLighting>, <feSpotLight>, <feTile>, <feTurbulence>
<font…> Font related elements are depracted (<font>, <font-face>, <font-face-format>, <font-face-name>, <font-face-src>, <font-face-uri>)
<foreignObject> Includes elements from a different XML namespace. For SVG documents rendered in a web browser, this is typically (X)HTML, see for example embedding HTML documents in an SVG document embedded in a HTML document.
<g> A container to group multiple SVG elements. <g> is especially useful when using transform.
<glyph> Deprecated
<glyphRef> Deprecated
<hkern>, <vkern> Deprecated
<image> Renders images (both raster and SVG) into the current SVG document.
<marker> Defines arrowheads for <path>, <line>, <polyline>, <polygone>. See also the marker-start, marker-mid and marker-end properties.
<mask> Define an alpha mask
<missing-glyph> Deprecated
<pattern> Repeat a graphical object in a given x and y intervals (thus tiling the pattern). See also <defs> and <use>
<script> Adds scripts to an SVG document. Similar to the HTML <script> element, but uses href instead of src.
<style> Allows to embed style sheets directly into an SVG document.
<svg> The «root» container of an SVG document. It defines a new coordinate system and a viewport. <svg> can be embedded into a HTML or another SVG document.
<switch> Evaluates any requiredFeatures, requiredExtensions and systemLanguage attributes on its direct child elements in order, and then renders the first child where these attributes evaluate to true.
<symbol> Defines templates which then can be rendered with <use>. Compare with <defs>
<use> Render a graphical element that is defined in the SVG document (see also <defs>, <pattern> and <symbol>)

See also

The combination of <style> and <text>.
