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Newton-Machian analysis of Neo-tychonian model of planetary motion

by: Luka Popov
In diesem Papier zeigt Popov mittels des Machschen Prinzips, dass die Beobachtung tägliche und jährliche Bewegung der Erde auch mit einer täglichen und jährlichen Rotation des Universums um eine stationäre Erde herum erklärt werden kann.
The analysis of planetary motions has been performed in the Newtonian framework with the assumption of Mach’s principle. The kinematical equivalence of the Copernican (heliocentric) and the Neo-tychonian (geocentric) systems is shown to be a consequence of the presence of pseudo-potential in the geocentric system, which, according to Mach, must be regarded as the real potential originating from the fact of the simultaneous acceleration of the Universe. This analysis can be done on any other celestial body observed from the Earth. Since Sun and Mars are chosen arbitrarily, and there is nothing special about Mars, one can expect to come up with the same general conclusion. There is another interesting remark that follows from this analysis. If one could put the whole Universe in accelerated motion around the Earth, the pseudo-potential corresponding to pseudo-force will immediately be generated. That same pseudo-potential causes the Universe to stay in that very state of motion, without any need of exterior forces acting on it.

