Search notes:

Stellarium API: core.moveToRaDec

core.moveToRaDec() look at the specified coordinates (right ascension and declination) in the sky.
//  vim: ft=javascript
//  ..\runScript.bat moveToRaDec.ssc

core.moveToRaDec("+240d", "20d");
Github repository about-Stellarium, path: /API/core/moveToRaDec.ssc
Apparently, when used in a script, core.moveToRaDec() must be preceded by a call to core.wait() in order to have any effect. The amount of the time to be waited can be minimal, for example 0.01 seconds.

See also

The respective angles of the currently rendered scene in Stellarium can be returned core.getViewRaAngle() and core.getViewDecAngle(), respectively.
core.moveToAltAzi, core.moveToRaDec2000
Stellarium Script API
