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Jake Matijevic

Jake Matijevic ist ein pyramidenförmiger, 25 cm hoher, 40 cm breiter Stein, der von der Curiosity gefunden wurde.
Bei diesem Stein scheint es sich um einen Mugeariten zu handeln, der sehr ähnlich zu irdischem Mugearit ist.

Cosmic coincidence on the road to Glenelg schreibt
The science team likened its chemistry to some relatively rare but well-studied alkaline rocks on Earth found on oceanic islands such as Hawaii and the Azores, and also in rift zones like the Rio Grande. On Earth, such rocks typically form from relatively water-rich magmas that have cooled slowly at raised pressures.

Jake has much higher amounts of alkali elements, metals such as sodium and potassium, than previously analysed Martian rocks
