Search notes:

Registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VBA\7.x\Common

Docking the VB Editor Immediate Window to the bottom

Apparently, if the Immedate Window had been undocked with a stupid movement, it's impossible (at least for me) to dock it to the bottom the VB Editor again by dragging it around on the screen or so.
Yet, deleting the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VBA\7.0\Common\Dock followed by a restart of the Office application places it at the bottom again.
The following simple PowerShell script removes this value:
 #  Get all keys that match 7.* …
$reg_key_VBA_7_x =  , @(get-item HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\VBA\7.*)

if ($reg_key_VBA_7_x.length -ne 1) {
 # … and make sure that we have found only one key.
   write-host "only one key matching 7.* was expected"

remove-itemProperty "$($reg_key_VBA_7_x[0].psPath)\Common" Dock
Github repository about-Windows-Registry, path: /HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/VBA/7.x/Common/remove-Dock.ps1
