Search notes:

Using winsqlite3.dll with PowerShell (classes.ps1)

classes.ps1 is a file that is required to use winsqlite3.dll with PowerShell.
More information about this project is here.

class sqliteDB

sqliteDB($dbFileName [, $new]) The constructor opens the SQLite database with filename/path $dbFileName. If the boolean $new is $true, the database is first deleted if it exists. If $new is omitted, it defaults to $false.
open() This method is not intended for public usage and accordingly is declared hidden.
exec() Execute an SQL statement without any bind variables.
prepareStmt($sqlStmt) creates an sqliteStmt instance for the SQL stement $sqlStmt. Returns $null if parsing fails.
close() Closes the database.
last_insert_rowid() Returns the last inserted rowid. See the last_insert_rowid() test.
nextStmt() is a hidden method that wraps sqlite3_next_stmt(). It is used in close() to finalize() the remaning open statement handles before closing the database.
version() Returns the version of the SQLite engine.

class sqliteStmt

bind($index, $value)
step() calls sqlite3_step()
reset() calls sqlite3_reset()
col($index) For select statements: returns the value of the column $index of the current record
bindArrayStepReset($bindValues) binds the values in the array $bindValues and then calls step() and reset(). This method is typically used for insert statements.
finalize() Must/should(?) be called when done with the statement. This method is called by [sqliteDB]::close) for all open statements so that the database can be closed - but can also be called explicitly for used statements.

Source code

#  Version 0.08
set-strictMode -version latest

function utf8PointerToStr([IntPtr]$charPtr) {
 # Create a .NET/PowerShell string from the bytes
 # that are pointed at by $charPtr
   [IntPtr] $i = 0
   [IntPtr] $len = 0

   while ( [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadByte($charPtr, $len) -gt 0 ) {
   [byte[]] $byteArray = new-object byte[] $len

   while ( [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadByte($charPtr, $i) -gt 0 ) {
      $byteArray[$i] = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadByte($charPtr, $i)

   return [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($byteArray)

function pointerToByteArray([IntPtr]$blobPtr, [Int32]$len) {

  [byte[]] $byteArray = new-object byte[] $len

   for ($i = 0; $i -lt $len; $i++) {
      $byteArray[$i] = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadByte($blobPtr, $i)

 # The comma between the return statement and the
 # $byteArray variable makes sure that a byte
 # array is returned rather than an array of objects.
 # See
   return ,$byteArray

function byteArrayToPointer([Byte[]] $ary) {

   [IntPtr] $heapPtr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($ary.Length);
   [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($ary, 0, $heapPtr, $ary.Length);

   return $heapPtr

function strToUtf8Pointer([String] $str) {
 # Create a UTF-8 byte array on the unmanaged heap
 # from $str and return a pointer to that array

   [Byte[]] $bytes      = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($str);

 # Zero terminated bytes
   [Byte[]] $bytes0    = new-object 'Byte[]' ($bytes.Length + 1)
   [Array]::Copy($bytes, $bytes0, $bytes.Length)

   return byteArrayToPointer $bytes0

#  [IntPtr] $heapPtr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($bytes0.Length);
#  [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($bytes0, 0, $heapPtr, $bytes0.Length);

#  return $heapPtr

class sqliteDB {

   [IntPtr] hidden $db

      [string] $dbFileName,
      [bool  ] $new
   ) {

      if ($new) {
         if (test-path $dbFileName) {
            remove-item $dbFileName # Don't use '-errorAction ignore' to get error message

      $$dbFileName, $new)


      [string] $dbFileName
   ) {
      $$dbFileName, $false)

   [void] hidden open(
      [string] $dbFileName,
      [bool  ] $new
   ) {
    # This method is not intended to be called directly, but
    # rather indirectly via the class's constructor.
    # This construct is necessary because PowerShell does not allow for
    # constructor chaining.
    #   See
    # This is also the reason why this method is declared hidden.

   [IntPtr] $db_ = 0
   $res = [sqlite]::open($dbFileName, [ref] $db_)
   $this.db = $db_
      if ($res -ne [sqlite]::OK) {
         throw "Could not open $dbFileName"

   [void] exec(
   ) {

     [String]$errMsg = ''
     [IntPtr] $heapPtr = strToUtf8Pointer($sql)
      $res = [sqlite]::exec($this.db, $heapPtr, 0, 0, [ref] $errMsg)

      if ($res -ne [sqlite]::OK) {
         write-warning "sqliteExec: $errMsg"


   [sqliteStmt] prepareStmt(
      [String] $sql
   ) {

      $stmt = [sqliteStmt]::new($this)
      [IntPtr] $handle_ = 0
      $res = [sqlite]::prepare_v2($this.db, $sql, -1, [ref] $handle_, 0)
      $stmt.handle = $handle_

      if ($res -ne [sqlite]::OK) {
         write-warning "prepareStmt: sqlite3_prepare failed, res = $res"
         write-warning ($this.errmsg())
         return $null
      return $stmt

   [IntPtr] hidden nextStmt([IntPtr] $stmtHandle) {
      return [sqlite]::next_stmt($this.db, $stmtHandle)

   [void] close() {

      $openStmtHandles = new-object System.Collections.Generic.List[IntPtr]

     [IntPtr] $openStmtHandle = 0
      while ( ($openStmtHandle = $this.nextStmt($openStmtHandle)) -ne 0) {
      foreach ($openStmtHandle in $openStmtHandles) {
          $res = [sqlite]::finalize($openStmtHandle)
          if ($res -ne [sqlite]::OK) {
             throw "sqliteFinalize: res = $res"

      $res = [sqlite]::close($this.db)

      if ($res -ne [sqlite]::OK) {

         if ($res -eq [sqlite]::BUSY) {
            write-warning "Close database: database is busy"
         else {
            write-warning "Close database: $res"
            write-warning ($this.errmsg())
         write-error ($this.errmsg())
         throw "Could not close database"

   [Int64] last_insert_rowid() {
       return [sqlite]::last_insert_rowid($this.db)

   [String] errmsg() {
      return utf8PointerToStr ([sqlite]::errmsg($this.db))

   static [String] version() {
      $h = [kernel32]::GetModuleHandle('winsqlite3.dll')
      if ($h -eq 0) {
         return 'winsqlite3.dll is probably not yet loaded'
      $a = [kernel32]::GetProcAddress($h, 'sqlite3_version')
      return utf8PointerToStr $a

class sqliteStmt {

   [IntPtr  ] hidden $handle
   [sqliteDB] hidden $db

 # Poor man's management of allocated memory on the heap.
 # This is necessary(?) because the SQLite statement interface expects
 # a char* pointer when binding text. This char* pointer must
 # still be valid at the time when the statement is executed.
 # I was unable to achieve that without allocating a copy of the
 # string's bytes on the heap and then release it after the
 # statement-step is executed.
 # There are possibly more elegant ways to achieve this, who knows?
   [IntPtr[]] hidden $heapAllocs

   sqliteStmt([sqliteDB] $db_) {
      $this.db         = $db_
      $this.handle     =   0
      $this.heapAllocs = @()

   [void] bind(
      [Int   ] $index,
      [Object] $value
   ) {

      if ($value -eq $null) {
         $res = [sqlite]::bind_null($this.handle, $index)
      elseif ($value -is [String]) {
         [IntPtr] $heapPtr = strToUtf8Pointer($value)

       # The fourth parameter to sqlite3_bind_text() specifies the
       # length of data that is pointed at in the third parameter ($heapPtr).
       # A negative value indicates that the data is terminated by a byte
       # whose value is zero.
         $res = [sqlite]::bind_text($this.handle, $index, $heapPtr, -1, 0)

       # Keep track of allocations on heap, free later
         $this.heapAllocs += $heapPtr
      elseif ( $value -is [Int32]) {
         $res = [sqlite]::bind_int($this.handle, $index, $value)
      elseif ( $value -is [Int64]) {
         $res = [sqlite]::bind_int64($this.handle, $index, $value)
      elseif ( $value -is [Double]) {
         $res = [sqlite]::bind_double($this.handle, $index, $value)
      elseif ( $value -is [Bool]) {
         $res = [sqlite]::bind_double($this.handle, $index, $value)
      elseif ( $value -is [Byte[]]) {

         [IntPtr] $heapPtr = byteArrayToPointer $value
         $res = [sqlite]::bind_blob($this.handle, $index, $heapPtr, $value.length, 0)
       # Keep track of allocations on heap, free later
         $this.heapAllocs += $heapPtr
      else {
         throw "type $($value.GetType()) not (yet?) supported"

      if ($res -eq [sqlite]::OK) {

      if ($res -eq [SQLite]::MISUSE) {
         write-warning $this.db.errmsg()
         throw "sqliteBind: interface was used in undefined/unsupported way (index = $index, value = $value)"

      if ($res -eq [SQLite]::RANGE) {
         throw "sqliteBind: index $index with value = $value is out of range"

      write-warning $this.db.errmsg()
      write-warning "index: $index, value: $value"
      throw "sqliteBind: res = $res"

   [IntPtr] step() {
      $res = [sqlite]::step($this.handle)
      foreach ($p in $this.heapAllocs) {
         [IntPtr] $retPtr = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::FreeHGlobal($p);

    # Free the alloc'd memory that was necessary to pass
    # strings to the sqlite engine:
      $this.heapAllocs = @()

      return $res

   [void] reset() {
      $res = [sqlite]::reset($this.handle)

      if ($res -eq [SQLite]::CONSTRAINT) {
         write-warning ($this.db.errmsg())
         throw "sqliteRest: violation of constraint"

      if ($res -ne [sqlite]::OK) {
         throw "sqliteReset: res = $res"

   [Int32] column_count() {
     # column_count returns the number of columns of
     # a select statement.
     # For non-select statemnt (insert, deleteā€¦), column_count
     # return 0.
       return [sqlite]::column_count($this.handle)

   [Int32] column_type(
         [Int] $index
   ) {
       return [sqlite]::column_type($this.handle, $index)

   [Int32] column_bytes(
         [Int] $index
   ) {
       return [sqlite]::column_bytes($this.handle, $index)

   [object] col(
         [Int] $index
   ) {

      $colType =$this.column_type($index)
      switch ($colType) {

         ([sqlite]::INTEGER) {
          # Be safe and return a 64-bit integer because there does
          # not seem a way to determine if a 32 or 64-bit integer
          # was inserted.
            return [sqlite]::column_int64($this.handle, $index)
         ([sqlite]::FLOAT)   {
            return [sqlite]::column_double($this.handle, $index)
         ([sqlite]::TEXT)    {
            [IntPtr] $charPtr = [sqlite]::column_text($this.handle, $index)
            return utf8PointerToStr $charPtr
         ([sqlite]::BLOB)   {

            [IntPtr] $blobPtr = [sqlite]::column_blob($this.handle, $index)
            return pointerToByteArray $blobPtr $this.column_bytes($index)
         ([sqlite]::NULL)    {
            return $null
         default           {
            throw "This should not be possible $([sqlite]::sqlite3_column_type($this.handle, $index))"
      return $null

   [void] bindArrayStepReset([object[]] $cols) {
      $colNo = 1
      foreach ($col in $cols) {
          $this.bind($colNo, $col)
          $colNo ++

   [void] finalize() {
      $res = [sqlite]::finalize($this.handle)

      if ($res -ne [sqlite]::OK) {
         throw "sqliteFinalize: res = $res"
Github repository winsqlite3.dll-PowerShell, path: /classes.ps1
