Search notes:

Connecting to a WLAN from a Windows Command Line

Apparently, it not so simple to connect to a wireless network from the command line that was never not connected before.
This page tries to show a way how it is possible to still connect to a wifi network for the first time in cmd.exe or PowerShell.

Determine the available networks

C:\> netsh wlan show networks | findstr SSID


2022-07-25: new-wlan.ps1 offers the same functionality as the batch file below, but is written in PowerShell.
param (
  [string] $SSID,
  [string] $pw  = $null

set-strictMode -version 3

$pw_xml = ''
if ($pw -ne $null) {
   $pw_xml = @"

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<WLANProfile xmlns=""> 
  <MacRandomization xmlns=""> 
"@ | out-file -encoding ascii wlan-profile.xml

netsh wlan add profile filename="wlan-profile.xml"
netsh wlan connect name="$SSID"

remove-item wlan-profile.xml
Github repository scripts-and-utilities, path: /new-wlan.ps1


new-wlan.bat is a batch file for cmd.exe that creates a netsh profile XML file.
After creating the profile XML file, it uses netsh wlan add profile to create a profile for the given SSID and netsh wlan connect connect to the newly created profile.
The batch file is invoked with an SSID and an optional password:
C:\> new-wlan THE_SSID
C:\> new-wlan THE_SSID "My Secret Garden"
The batch file itself is:
@echo off

rem   TODO
rem      connectionMode is currently hardcoded to be «auto»
rem      It might be set to «manual»

rem      Use enableDelayedExpansion so that
rem      assigning values to variables does
rem      not assign them to variables of the
rem      calling process.
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

if [%1] == [] (
  echo new-wlan.bat SSID [password]
  exit /b

set SSID=%~1

if [%2] == [] (
  set ENCRYPTION=none
) else (
  set PASSWORD=%~2

echo ^<?xml version="1.0"?^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo ^<WLANProfile xmlns=""^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^<name^>%SSID%^</name^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^<SSIDConfig^>^<SSID^>^<name^>%SSID%^</name^>^</SSID^>^</SSIDConfig^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^<connectionType^>ESS^</connectionType^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^<connectionMode^>auto^</connectionMode^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^<MSM^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo     ^<security^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo        ^<authEncryption^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo          ^<authentication^>%AUTHENTICATION%^</authentication^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo           ^<encryption^>%ENCRYPTION%^</encryption^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo           ^<useOneX^>false^</useOneX^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo        ^</authEncryption^> >> wlan-profile.xml

if defined PASSWORD (

echo        ^<sharedKey^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo           ^<keyType^>passPhrase^</keyType^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo           ^<protected^>false^</protected^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo           ^<keyMaterial^>%PASSWORD%^</keyMaterial^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo        ^</sharedKey^> >> wlan-profile.xml


echo       ^</security^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^</MSM^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^<MacRandomization xmlns=""^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo       ^<enableRandomization^>false^</enableRandomization^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo   ^</MacRandomization^> >> wlan-profile.xml
echo ^</WLANProfile^> >> wlan-profile.xml

netsh wlan add profile filename="wlan-profile.xml"
netsh wlan connect name="%SSID%"

del wlan-profile.xml

Github repository scripts-and-utilities, path: /new-wlan.bat

See also

Script: wlan.bat
