Search notes:


ilasm.exe is the .NET Framework IL assembler

Command line options

/NOLOGO Suppress the copyright message
/QUIET Don'treport assembly progress
/NOAUTOINHERIT Disable inheriting from System.Object by default
/DLL, /EXE Compile to a DLL, executable (the default being executable)
/PDB Create the PDB (symbol) file without enabling debug info tracking
/APPCONTAINER Create an AppContainer exe or dll
/DEBUG Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use sequence points from PDB
/DEBUG=IMPL Disable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points
/DEBUG=OPT Enable JIT optimization, create PDB file, use implicit sequence points
/OPTIMIZE Optimize long instructions to short
/FOLD Fold the identical method bodies into one
/CLOCK Measure and report compilation times
/RESOURCE=<res_file> Link the specified resource file (*.res) into resulting .exe or .dll
/OUTPUT=<targetfile> Compile to file with specified name (user must provide extension, if any)
/KEY=<keyfile> Compile with strong signature (<keyfile> contains private key)
/KEY=@<keysource> Compile with strong signature (<keysource> is the private key source name)
/INCLUDE=<path> Set path to search for #include'd files
/SUBSYSTEM=<int> Set Subsystem value in the NT Optional header
/SSVER=<int>.<int> Set Subsystem version number in the NT Optional header
/FLAGS=<int> Set CLR ImageFlags value in the CLR header
/ALIGNMENT=<int> Set FileAlignment value in the NT Optional header
/BASE=<int> Set ImageBase value in the NT Optional header (max 2GB for 32-bit images)
/STACK=<int> Set SizeOfStackReserve value in the NT Optional header
/MDV=<version_string> Set Metadata version string
/MSV=<int>.<int> Set Metadata stream version (<major>.<minor>)
/PE64 Create a 64bit image (PE32+)
/HIGHENTROPYVA Set High Entropy Virtual Address capable PE32+ images (default for /APPCONTAINER)
/NOCORSTUB Suppress generation of CORExeMain stub
/STRIPRELOC Indicate that no base relocations are needed
/ITANIUM Target processor: Intel Itanium
/X64 Target processor: 64bit AMD processor
/ARM Target processor: ARM processor
/32BITPREFERRED Create a 32BitPreferred image (PE32)
/ENC=<file> Create Edit-and-Continue deltas from specified source file

See also

ildasm.exe is the IL disassembler. Interestingly, the disassembler is not located in the same directory as the assembler.
