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logexts.dll provides the functionality of logger.exe as extension for windbg.exe etc.

Some !logexts commands

Inject logger without enabling it:
Inject logger and enable it:
Disable logging
Display or modify output options
!logexts.logo e d
Display available API categories
Display or flush the current
Create a module inclusion/exclusion list. i mod-name-1 mod-name-2 … assigns the modules to the inclusion list, x mod-name-1 assigns the list to the exclusion list.
!logexts.logm i mod.dll
!logexts.logm i prg.exe
The !logexts.logi and !logexts.loge commands inject specific code at the current breakpoint that jumps to a routine that loads and initializes logexts.dll in the target application process.
This process is referred to as «injecting logger into the target process».
logexts.dll and kernel32.dll are always in the excluded modules list.
